Control over the law, can strike down the law, Queens main Canadian
I am calling you to demand that you halt the Critical Infrastructure Defence Act. This Act is extremely problematic as it aims to silence the voice of people in this country. I am demanding that this act does not become law. This act would give the Alberta government unfair power to prosecute people exercising their right to free speech. In a time where citizens are calling for a decrease in policing, the government should not be expanding police powers or passing laws which allow for further targeting of peaceful protesters. In this country, we have a right to assemble and protest against infrastructure and projects we do not agree with. This bill aims to strip us of that right, and that is not ok. The law would allow the government to define anything as essential infrastructure without consultation from the people. This law also imposes unfair penalties on protesters. At this moment, thousands of people are taking action against this bill. I urge you, the Honourable Lois E. Mitchell, to listen to the people and help stop this disgraceful bill from becoming law.