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Product Hunt Launch Template

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The Coda Doc Gallery
A new home for makers to exploreーand shareーdocs.
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The new Doc Gallery is a place for makers to find and share tools, musings, templates, tiny apps, interactive handbooks, and anything else you can build in Coda.
Web App, Productivity, Task Management, Spreadsheets, Tech
@helenajar @alexdeneui @glenn_jaume1
Excited to launch the new Doc Gallery!
A few weeks ago, Coda launched <a href="">Publishing</a> ーthe ability to transform any Coda doc into a sleek, interactive website you can share with the world. Since then we've seen thousands of published docs from our communityーeverything from handbooks to calculators to workout apps.
Now we're unveiling a new home for these docs: A totally rebuilt Doc Gallery where makers can explore—and share—their docs. You can:
✍️ Self-publish with instant gratification.
🔍 Discover a world of interactive docs.
📚 Create and curate your own doc collection by sharing docs from other makers alongside your own.
The last couple years, we've watched this community of makers create things we never imagined with Coda. The new Doc Gallery brings it all together. I can't wait to see what you Coda.
Coda 2.0
A new doc for teams.
Coda 2.0 introduces a new set of building blocks for team collaborationーlike workspaces, locking, and cross-docーand three paid plans for teams of all sizes.
Web App, Productivity, Task Management, Spreadsheets, Tech
@alexdeneui @jaimejh @thechriseck @glenn_jaume1 @helenajar @evan_pryce @ohleg @nathan_penner1
Excited to bring <a href="">Coda 2.0</a> to Product Hunt!
We launched <a href="">Coda 1.0</a> on Product Hunt about a year ago, and have been blown away by the response. Since then, Coda makers have continually amazed us with their "docs as powerful as apps"—like this <a href=""> fresh take on 1-1s</a> from Jenny Emick (a Design Lead at Square), to this Packs-enabled <a href="">Prioritized Productivity Guide</a> from Des Traynor (Intercom co-founder). We've seen docs spread through thousands of teams, each with their own patterns, and the community has brought us an endless stream of insightful ideas, constructive critiques, and "can I 🙏 get..." requests. We took everything we heard, brainstormed and ranked, and picked a clear theme for where we wanted to focus: Teams.
Coda 2.0 is a simpler, cleaner, and faster doc for teams—with drag-and-drop templates, a new model for filters, and a visual refresh to give your team a more beautiful and efficient space to make. It comes with a new set of building blocks designed for team collaboration: like workspaces and folders, a space for teams to more easily share and organize their docs, locking and permissions to give you greater control and confidence over information in Coda, and (at last!), by popular demand, cross-docーa way to bring data from one doc into another. Finally, this release includes three paid plans, with a broad free tier, plans for teams of all sizes, and a new approach to pricing called Maker Billing.
We like to say that if Coda 1.0 was for makers, Coda 2.0 is for the whole team. What will your team Coda? :)
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