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Our favorite Waffles+Mochi recipes and at-home cooking adventures

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How do I remove all the sample ratings from this recipe book?

The easiest way to clear the ratings from this recipe book is by clicking the following button:
Clear sample ratings

How do I add recipe details from the Waffles + Mochi site?

Find the Waffle + Mochi recipe on the page by selecting it from the left sidebar or enter a keyword to search for the one you want


Go to , then find a recipe by selecting one of the badges on the first page, selecting a recipe from the ‘Cook’ section, or click ‘See all recipes’ link.

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Once you’ve selected a recipe, scroll down to find the ingredients and the instructions, select all the ingredients, then go back to this doc to the page to paste it into the ‘Ingredients’ section. Then, do the same with the instructions text, copying it into the ‘Instructions’ section.

Can we add our own recipes to this book?

Yes! Just go to and follow the simple instructions there to add your own recipes. Include a main photo so it’s easy to tell what the recipe’s for.
To keep people from being able to add recipes in the published version of this doc, a number of doc interactions have been ‘locked.’ You’ll need to change this setting. To do this, click the settings ‘gear’ at the top of the page, then click ‘Locking’, then click ‘All pages’, and enable everything in the ‘Interact’ section.

Can we access this recipe book from a phone or tablet?

Yes, just share the link to your recipe book (URL from the address bar) directly with your mobile device via Airdop to iOS devices, or just email it to an email account you can access on that device. Then, save it as a browser bookmark or on a home screen on your phone/tablet for quick access next time. Accessing this recipe book from a phone or tablet is the easiest way to add your own photos of the final results on the page.

How do I share our recipe book with others?

Click ‘Share’ at the top of the page. Enter the email address of all the people you want to share your recipe book with. Select ‘Can view’ or ‘Can comment’ permissions, depending on whether you want others to add comments to your recipes. Add an optional note, then click ‘Share’. They’ll receive an email with a link to this doc.
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