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[Click “Copy Doc” in the top right corner to have your own doc and use “Ideas List” start evaluating your ideas قم بانشاء نسخة من التيمبليت أولا في حسابك الخاص عن طريق الضغط علي زرار Copy Doc]

How to use the template? - كيف تستخدم التيمبليت ؟

Create your own copy of the document to your Coda account (Click “Copy Doc” in the top right corner) [قم بانشاء نسخة من التيمبليت أولا في حسابك الخاص عن طريق الضغط علي زرار Copy Doc]
Fill in your idea’s name and the details. [املأ البيانات المطلوبه الخاصة بفكرتك]
Select the Popularity, Growing, urgency, cost, Mandatory, and Frequency level matching your idea [اختار المستوي الخاص بفكرتك لكل من المحاور الخمس الاساسية]
The overall score will be calculated automatically based on your selections. [في النهاية سيقوم النموذج بحساب التقييم النهائي لفكرتك بناء علي اختياراتك]
The overall all score is sorted descending. the highest score is in the top, and the lowest in the bottom [التقييم مرتب تلقائيا الاعلي في البداية في حالة وجود اكتر من فكرة]
Idea - الفكرة
Idea Details - تفاصيل الفكرة
Popularity - شعبية المشكلة
Growing - نمو المشكلة
Urgency - عاجلة؟
Cost - تكلفة الحل
Mandatory - أهمية المشكلة
Frequency - تكرار المشكلة
Overall Score - ألتقييم النهائي


Swvl offers an app that allows customers to book fixed rate rides on buses and vans in their network.
Vary Popular (ex: Order food, tax, etc..) [شائع أو منتشر بشكر كبير]
Growing Fast (ex: online groceries, online learning, ordering food) [ينمو بشكل سريع جدا]
Very Urgent (ex: book doctor appointment, order food, order taxi) [عادجلة جدا]
Cheap (ex: food, taxi) [رخيص]
Mandatory (ex: order taxi, gas for your car, doctor for your health checkup) [مهمة جدا]
Frequent (Weekly/Monthly - ex: Book Doctor’s appointment, buy groceries) [متكررة بشكل اسبوعي او شهري]


Vezeeta is a digital healthcare booking platform and practice management software.
Popular (ex: Book Tickets, search for jobs) [شائع أو منتشر]
Growing Slowly (ex: Buy Furniture, buy real estate) [ينمو ببطئ]
Very Urgent (ex: book doctor appointment, order food, order taxi) [عادجلة جدا]
Average Price (ex: buy phones, online shopping) [سعر معتدل]
Mandatory (ex: order taxi, gas for your car, doctor for your health checkup) [مهمة جدا]
Frequent (Weekly/Monthly - ex: Book Doctor’s appointment, buy groceries) [متكررة بشكل اسبوعي او شهري]


Airbnb is an online community marketplace for people to list, discover, and book accommodations through mobile phones or the internet.
Popular (ex: Book Tickets, search for jobs) [شائع أو منتشر]
Growing Slowly (ex: Buy Furniture, buy real estate) [ينمو ببطئ]
Urgent (ex: Book hotel for vacation, buy furniture) [عاجلة]
Average Price (ex: buy phones, online shopping) [سعر معتدل]
Semi-Mandatory (ex: buy clothing, book hotel) [مهمة]
Not Frequent (Yearly - ex: Book hotel, buy seasonal products) [ليست متكررة]
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