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Office work and Activities

What will you do?

Manage our Instagram and Facebook accounts.
Plan out our social media accounts’ content.
Work with Canva and create 3x posts a week (”Go! Develop”, “Go! Volunteer” and “Go! Intercultural”).
Promote our offer on workcamps, volunteering projects, and trainings on our social media.
Create info packs for upcoming training courses, youth exchanges, workcamps, volunteering projects, etc.
Edit our website through WordPress (add entries on different new projects).
Promote Egyesek and our organization’s different projects by leading info-sessions in universities and high schools. Sometimes also online presentations, and in job and university fairs.
Organize different events to build a community (ex. recently we have started a new event called “Culturally: Volunteering abroad”).
Go to Hollókő once in a while to help out the team during training courses or other projects, and make the social media coverage about it.
Create stories according to our upcoming events and to the needs of each week.

Here is one example of how a monthly comms calendar can look like:
Communication calendar 2023 - February_page-0001.jpg
Or how your weekly tasks can look like:

Watch the videos below to the left of our "General Assembly of 2022" to have a peek at our office; and the video to the right for a peek of our weekly meetings!


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