How Do I Assign Multiple Items To a Single Contact At One Time?
Click the “Bulk Assign Sub-Categories” button, as shown below:
A pop-up window will appear.
Alter things as needed:
“Select Assignee”
The field will populate with the active user as the assignee.
To reassign, delete the contact’s name and select an new contact’s name.
All people who have been placed on the Contacts page or that are invited and have logged in to the platform at least once will appear.
“Override If Assigned Already”
Click the checkbox if you would like to override the current assignee of a checklist item that is part of the Items Assigned column, which is grouped by Sub-Category. Otherwise, the current assignee will remain when Clicking the Assign button(s).
“Event Checklists”
For bulk assignment, the checklist items are grouped by Sub-Category.
Click the “Assign # to [name]” button to assign the group of checklist items to a single contact.
All Good! The grouping of checklist items has been assigned!
How Do I See Completed Items, Hidden Items or All Items?
Click the checkbox next to “Show Completed Items,” “ Show Hidden Items” or “Show Items Assigned to Others” as shown below:
All Good! You should be able to find items that were hidden, complete or assigned to others.
What if I Don’t Want to Remove An Entire Sub-Categories But Instead Only Remove/Hide a Few Checklist Items?
Removing, or hiding single checklist items is done on the “Checklist” page.
Click on the “Checklist” button, or any of the sub-pages, in the navigation bar.
If an item is not found, or if there are no items displayed, be sure to select “Show Completed Items” or “Show Items Assigned to Others” as shown below:
Scroll to the item you want to remove/hide.
Click on the row of the checklist item beneath the Status column.
Click on “Hidden (N/A).”
All Good! The checklist item will disappear and no longer be visible.
How Do I Remove/Hide Categories or Sub-Categories of Checklist Items if They Are Not Applicable or Are No Longer Needed?
Disabling Categories or Sub-Categories is done on the “More Event Settings” page under the “Event Info” page.
Scroll to the bottom of the “More Event Settings” page.
Checklist Categories and Sub-Categories will be as shown:
The Items column displays the number of individual checklist items that are a part of the Sub-Category item.
Click on the “On/Off” toggle next to the Sub-Category.
All Good! The selected sub-categories will no longer appear on the checklist!
How Do I Trigger a Notification For A Checklist Item?
The checklist item must be assigned to a contact who has been invited and signed in to the platform at least once.
Click the arrow under the Assigned To column.
Click the name of the contact the checklist item should be assigned to.
The background color of the Assigned To cell will change to light orange, indicating this item has not had a notification sent to the assignee.
The button at the top of the page will change from grey to gold.
Click the “Notify People about Assigned Tasks” button.
All Good! All checklist items with an updated assignee will be sent a notification via email and on the platform, if they’re signed in.
In addition to email notifications, the user icon in the top right of the document will display a red dot indicating new notifications.
Clicking the icon will display the alerts for your user/account.
How Do I Add an Expense?
Click on the button “Expense” next to the the Expenses column that matches the checklist item you’d like to add an expense for.
A pop-up window will appear. Alter things as needed:
“Enter Expense Summary”
This auto-fills with the name of the checklist item. Updating it here will not affect the name of the item in the checklist.
“Enter Expense Amount”
This should be in $00.00 format.
“Payment Date”
This will send a reminder for when the amount is due, on the day it is due.
Align the expense with the category it’s being used for.
“Related Checklist Item”
Here, you can change which checklist item to align this expense with if it changed during the process of inputing the expense.
Click “+ Add Expense” to ensure the changes are saved.