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3. Mars Research

Goal: Pitch to Space X. Small game - space exploration education for teenagers
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Problem: Come up with a fun education game that promote Space exploration - Surviving in Mars
Solution: 3D space game for user to collect elements that helps the user survive in Mars
Not sure what the game should look like visually. (SpaceX)
Might not be innovative enough (Very innovative)
Don’t know how many levels I should create (Very innovative)
Don’t know what will the whole gameplay walk through look like
The story might not make sense
Might not know the animation/art style looks like
What device should I use? PC or mobile?
Artist work on the concept art
Design walk through game to test out
Sketch out 1.0 release game walkthrough

Why we need to go to Mars?

According to Stephen Petranek:
1) If there’s an astroid hit on Earth, all the human die
2) Exploration is in our DNA
3) Fourth Industrial Revolution, . The idea is that a, “fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres.”
Science Goals:
1. Life: Determined whether Mars ever supported life
2. Climate: Understand the history of climate change and process on Mars
3. Geology: Understand the origin and evolution of Mars as a geology system
4. Humans: Prepare Human exploration
True size of Earth v.s. Mars
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Travel to Moon v.s. Mars
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Moon: 3 days
Mars: 240 days (8 months)
By 2025, human will be on Mars.

What you need to survive in Mars?

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Water: abstract water from air
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Air: Turn CO2 to O2
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Food: 80% Dried Earth Food + 20% Hydroponically Grown Food
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Base Camp
The North Pole
Kasei Valles
Mawrth Vallis
Becquerl Crater
Lani Chaos
Hydraotes Choas

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2. Olympus Town
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Mars Rover
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How Water is Lost on Mars
Time Units:
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Mars Missions since 1996

Mars Pathfinder (1997)
Mars Odyssey (2001)
Mars Express (2003)
Mars Exploration Rover (MER) (2004)
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (2006)
Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) 2014
Mars Orbiter Mission (2014)
ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter and Schiaparelli Mission (ESA) 2016

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