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Questions - Decisions

Forms ~ Reports ~ Templates
Forms and Reports and Templates have almost identical db structure and a lot of forms we want to be able to view as reports
? Does it make sense to break them out or to keep them as one table with a “type”?
Templates should definitely have an improv-Form and improv-Report to use to view their data in a different format
tell me how I can use a library like Serilog to store all the logs in a format like JSON, which would allow me to effectively report on them later, like for error handling
How much should Posts table contain?
like should Events be a type of Post since some Posts will turn into Events and vice-versa
Should some Orgs/Groups be able to be hidden from users?
ServiceStack ORMLite vs Dapper?
Dapper is truly open source and much more popular.
How much could we store on the CDNs to save on our hosting costs?
Could we have data that is encrypted stored on the CDNs?
Are there services, like , or email hosting that we could hack to have the messages be exchanged with minimal work on our servers?
Like using a cheap email provider and IMAP to sync the messages

What are the key features and functionalities that you would like to see in the MVP (minimum viable product)?
Who are the target users for the app, and what are their specific needs and pain points?
Are there any existing solutions in the market that address similar needs, and how would your app differentiate from them?
What is the overall design and user experience that you envision for the app?
Are there any specific technical requirements or limitations that need to be taken into account, such as integration with other systems or compatibility with certain devices?
What is the budget and timeline for the development of the app, and are there any specific milestones or deliverables that need to be achieved within certain timeframes?
How will the app be marketed and distributed to potential users, and what channels or strategies will be used for user acquisition and retention?
What are the long-term goals and vision for the app, and how will it evolve and adapt over time based on user feedback and changing market needs?
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