User Research

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User stories
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I Need
So that
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Activity management system
Activity providers
When using a activity management system
I need to add my data once
So that the data can be used to promote my activity everywhere
Not even heard of OpenActive, nevermind find a way onto OpenActive feed
Activity providers - I would love the idea of adding my session info so that the public sector can find me but how do i do that. I haven’t even heard of OpenActive nevermind understand how to get on an OA feed. Sounds like something I’d give to the birds.
Considering accepting a referral
Activity providers
When considering to accept a referral
I need to know if the particiapnt is suitable for my activity
so that I can ensure participant get the most out of the activity and is suitable for my other participants
Need to know if activity appropriate to client needs Need to understand exactly what the activity/service is offering to ensure client can cope
Activity providers - I only really want participants that i can cope with. I couldn’t really be distracted with one particular participant. I’d rather say the type of person i can cope with. Perhaps i could tick what facilitation/care that i can offer and then only people accepting this would sign up.
Activity providers - Yes we’d like the person to be at the class that is right for their level of exertion. We would advertise that it is a beginner, moderate or vigorous. I usually do a Par-Q with each new client so there’s no real risk but it might be embarrassing for them if they are left behind or feeling inadequate.
Adding my activity data
Activity providers
When adding my data
I need the system to be easy to use
so that I can keep my information up to date
Don’t have the best hardware device or software
Activity providers - Give me a website to enter my sessions and I will do. I generally use facebook to keep my clients informed so if there was something i could add into my facebook page then great. I recognise clients that don’t know me would use an activity finder and that sounds great as well.
Setting up activities
Activity providers
When setting up activities
I need to know how much demand there is for the type of activity I provide
so that I can minimise my initial expenditure and reduce the risk of starting in a new area
Application providers are driven by commercial demand Need to know that demand exists before new businesses or sessions will be set up
Activity providers - I am ambitious to scale my business and am motivated to help people improve their health. If you can generate more demand then I’m in but I really need some consistent demand so i can invest in equipment, apprentices and venues.
Activity providers - One of my problems is taking the chance on booking a venue and then hoping that i get enough people. I usually build this up over time but it would be really good if this OpenActive can generate more interest. Ay chance you can tell what the demand might be in different areas and then i could set up accordingly.
Publishing activities
Activity providers
When publishing my activity data
I need a affordable system
so that my overheads are kept low and I can make a living
Don’t have the best hardware device or software
Activity providers - Give me a website to enter my sessions and I will do. I generally use facebook to keep my clients informed so if there was something i could add into my facebook page then great. I recognise clients that don’t know me would use an activity finder and that sounds great as well.
Selling to a customer
Application Provider
selling to a new customer
many activity providers to be providing open data for us to consume
our product is adding value immediately
Application providers are driven by commercial demand
Social prescribing application provider - We will develop whatever the client needs to carry out social providing. We are already on route to pulling data from OR and would happily consume OA. We are talking about a deal with Imin so we can use the API.
Implementing open standards
Application Provider
implementing open standards
guidance, support, advance warning of changes, a roadmap of development
i can position our product to react in an efficient and effective manner
Consuming activity data
Application Provider
consuming data
the data to be correct, up to date, rich and widespread
our product is not associated with bad data
Search for activity
Frontline workers
When searching for an activity
I need it to offer me features that make it easy for me to find a suitable activity for my clients need
so that i can spend my time helping the client rather than researching activities and not risking him going to an inappropriate activity
Difficult to know what activity sessions are availableNot enough local activity sessions can be found
Frontline workers - I think I have a good understanding of what is available but suspect it is only the things i know and colleagues tell me about. I do find that i don’t know about the small things that are not in the ‘community support’ circles. I would like to see all the things that are happening in close proximity to my client
Frontline workers - I have tried a couple of activity finders but they don’t have any activities on there.
Review activity quality
Frontline workers
When reviewing the quality of an activity
I need to easily see that the activity is credible, has the right quality and my peers agree
so that i have confidence to recommend it to a client
Don’t trust information that exists
Frontline workers - My experience of these service directories is that you need to check the information anyway. They are good to give me a contact detail if i don’t know them but i will then ring up or call in to check things out. Sometimes i check with my team to see if they know about them.
Help client to access activity
Frontline workers
When helping my client to access an activity
I need a readiness check, good directions, prices, photos of what it looks like inside with people doing the activity.
so that my client is confident that it will be ok for them
Need to know if the providers can cope with needs of the cohortsNeed to know if activity appropriate to client needs Need to understand exactly what the activity/service is offering to ensure client can cope
Frontline workers - Some of my clients are very needy and i am not sure how the providers will handle them. It would be good to know if they have carers on site or a reception, class buddy scheme etc. This will help me work out whether it is ok for my client.
Frontline workers - I can usually work out what might be appropriate for my client but i guess if i could tell the system what my client needs were so that it only gave me appropriate activities then that would be great.
Frontline workers - I need to know exactly what the activity is offering so i can decide with my client whether it is right for them. I guess i don’t need to know all the details but certainly want to know the intensity of any physical activity and what is expected of my client. I need them to trust me getting this right or they may not go again. I would probably check it out myself or speak to the class instructor
Reviewing outcomes
Frontline workers
When reviewing the outcomes
I need to know that my client attended, feedback from the class facilitator, feedback from my client
so that I can discuss the next steps with my client
Working with a client
Frontline workers
When working with a client
I need to use suitable software and hardware
so that I can confidently support my client
Don’t have the best hardware device or software
Frontline workers - I don’t have a device. I have a share of a computer when in the office. Some are getting laptops. It doesn’t make any difference at the moment as we don’t use a piece of software to find any activities. We will be using elemental but not sure when or how. Having a touchscreen small device that i can have a shared conversation with a client and suggest local activities sounds really good.
Finding suitable activities
Frontline workers
When finding suitable activities
I need help to see the benefits to referring into physical activity
so that I can encourage my client to opt in
Don’t see referral into exercise as their roleClient isn’t interested in doing physical activity, too many other problems
Frontline workers - I understand the benefits of physical exercise but we use a shared decision making process and my clients are not generally asking for exercise, they have more pressing issues to deal with.
Frontline workers - Physical activity is not the first thing that I think of when dealing with most of my clients. Often it is a mental health issue or they have financial or relationship worries. I know that physical activity helps stress relief but you need to be really motivated to make that happen.
Referring in an activity
Frontline workers
When referring into an activity
I need to be sure their is support offered
so that my client can gain confidence in their ability to attend and support their needs
Client lacks confidence, has anxiety, embarrassed so needs hand-holding to attendFrontline workers lack confidence and skill set to motivate client to be active
Frontline workers - I spend quite a bit of time ensuring that my clients settles in to an activity. I can’t take the risk that they don’t like it in case it puts them off doing anything else. I like to check out the activity/service myself first. I guess more information especially pictures would help. I also listen to my team mates if they have found a good activity.
Frontline workers - I have to admit that i don’t really like exercise myself so I am probably not the best one to motivate someone. It is a shared decision making process and so i would offer to sort out whatever they wanted to do.
Frontline workers - We are specialised in physical activity and so it is slightly frustrating when people are triaged a few times before they reach us and some don’t ever make it through to us. Pretty much everyone that comes to us will get involved in physical exercise and they generally stay with us
Reviewing commissions
i am reviewing commissions
to know how many of which activities are going on where and what demand does there seem to be for activities in the areas
I can plan and effectively manage our teams resources to affect the most at need
Application providers are driven by commercial demand
Managers - We would like to understand what is out there and what people are after so that we can commission things accordingly. i can recognise that if there was a means to capture a session and make it available at the front then we can start to gather these metrics for future funding decisions. Will OpenActive give us useful data?
In partnership
When working in partnership with other organisations
I need them to use the data standard and publish as open data
so that we can see strategic alignment across the place to reach critical mass
Difficult to know what activity sessions are available
Managers - Frustrating that there is not a public sector push for all activities to be held as open data. This needs to be end to end and it is too hard for us to build momentum and get to a critical mass
Training staff
When training my staff
I need to give them advice on how to increase the uptake of physical activity by small steps & stealth
so that clients can start to do some physical exercise, even if that's just activities like gardening.
Don’t see referral into exercise as their role
Managers - No easy answer to this at the moment. Perhaps training will help but it depends on the entry point. Some clients get stuck with some workers. I like the idea of a dual approach to solving life issues and trying to be more active.
Appropriate software tools
When social prescribers try and find suitable activities
I need software tools that helps them find appropriate local activities via our pathway policy
so that
can reduce time spent matching suitable activities to meet client need
Need to know if activity appropriate to client needs
Managers - Our SPLWs can take a lot of time researching to ensure that they find activities that are appropriate to the needs of clients. If there was a way to categorise conditions such that our SPLW can easily find appropriate activities that would give more time with the client. Pathways would be useful where i could choose one then add a postcode and can be given appropriate activities close by.
@Service Users
Search for local activity
Service users
When I am bored or feel lonely
I need to know what local activities I can join. They have be something suitable to my interests.
So that I can enjoy my lfe
Difficult to know what activity sessions are availableNot enough local activity sessions can be foundDon’t have the best hardware device or software
Service users - Just don’t know what is out there and available for me, how much do things cost, are they appropriate? I rely on community centre notice board and flier racks.
Service users - Its a bus ride to my community centre or the Leisure centre. I can’t afford it both in time and money.
Service users - I have my phone and would be really interested in some form of app that i could see what was going on in my area. Even better if the information was up to date.
@Service Users
Find an activity
Service users
When I find activities
I need to know that I can trust the information
so that I can avoid activities that are not suitable to my interests or when I turn up the activities are available
Don’t trust information that exists
Service users - I generally trust the poster information but often find that it is out of date. It doesn’t really bother me but i guess that’s because I am just looking for things to do and time is not an issue for me. Obviously it would be ideal if the info was on my phone and i knew i could rely on it
@Service Users
Suitable to service user needs
Service users
When I find an activity
I need to know that its suitable to my needs and I can cope with level of intensity
so that I enjoy the activity, build up confidence and return next time
Need to know if activity appropriate to client needs Need to understand exactly what the activity/service is offering to ensure client can copeClient isn’t interested in doing physical activity, too many other problems
Service users - I have dyslexia and i need to know before i attend anything if they are going to ask me to read or write anything. It really gives me anxiety to not know and so i wouldn’t attend unless someone reassured me of that
Service users - I am trusting that i can cope with the activity. If it is too difficult for me then i will just go home. Could then say that an activity is for beginners or easy or for over 60s. I’d have a better idea then.
Service users - I keep myself quite active for a man of my age. I have to say that I am more interested in the social and interest ahead of just physical activity. Running and gyms are not for me but hill walking with the dog rescue people i enjoyed. I have to admit that when i have my anxiety then nothing interests me and i just stay at home.
@Service Users
Getting ready to attend
Service users
When I am getting ready to attend a activity
I need support, as I feel anxious about going into a new group / situation
so that gain confidence
Client lacks confidence, has anxiety, embarrassed so needs hand-holding to attend
Service users - It is a big step to go to a new place or see a new leader and meet new people. I know i have to do it but it is much easier to have someone to go with. Actually it would help if i could see pictures of people doing the activity and then i know what to expect. My link worker met me outside and i really appreciated that.
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