Select strategy value: Digital maturity of the widest system
The research found that most frontline workers and activity providers have sufficient skills to be able to use the necessary tools / software packages. What is missing is the recognition that data / information about what activities are available should be captured and maintained through a federated model, such as adoption of OpenActive. People are too willing to capture and hold their own information and accept the overhead to maintain this (or more frequently, they don’t maintain it and are happy to then use inaccurate information). At a local, probably at an ICS level, there must be stronger policies for adoption of open data and better adherence to this policy. This will free up frontline worker time, improve experiences for patients and deliver a step-change in the ability to help people engage in valuable and appropriate exercise and engaging in their communities. Citizens, frontline workers and society don’t want to use websites - and local leaders must push hard for a more data-integrated way of working. During 2019, Active Lancashire, on behalf of the Lancashire and South Cumbria ICS undertook research into the digital maturity of social prescribing across the VCFSE. This shows, for example, a continued focus on websites by the sector, rather than recognising the opportunity to shift to a more data-enabled model Digital Maturity. Managers involved in SP will be key influencers to get on board here - see Managers understanding of open data benefits