This document contains a summary of all Max’s meetings with students about their projects. Anybody with the link can make changes and additions. Changes are recorded in the file history. The goal of the document is to record group supervision meetings, so as to inform students who are not able to participate in person of what was discussed.
March 4, 2024
Lydia shown analysis and graph from her pilot
February 26, 2024
Lydia went through data analysis script and changed conditions to 5 intensity changes
Maria & Shata discussed about poster presentation
Shata will email
@Min Li
February 19, 2024
Vojtec, ar now works, stanford/munich have done AR and tms. provide ethics and papers
Tahani, working at big five in qualtrics for ethics
Maria finished
February 12, 2024
February 5, 2024
Ton: reduce visuals to flashes, reduce number of metronomes
Lily: Ran the pilot. Missing only the environment. Discussed about the poster
Tahani: ethics and piloting
Ton: meeting with Genia to create midi
Maria: Sd calculation and data plots
October 2, 2023
Psych UG
Present: Max, Diar
Shatha Alkahtani. Timing (possible study on tapping with Susan). Brain health lifespan. Contemp issues. Clin psych. Cbt.
Tarun Aulakh. VR (possible study on movement rehabilitation or tactile attenuation with Diar). Brain health. Neuro bio mental ill. Clin. Cbt.
Maria Akhtar. Timing (possible study on qualitative data analysis with Susan). Co temp, crime. CBT, Clinical.
Lily Holt. Neuroscience student. VR (possible study on battery and tactile attenuation or rehabilitation with Diar). Neurobiology of mental illness. Neuroscience in society. Clinical neuroscience and rehab.
Task: think about the project examples provided, read the coda
Absent: Lydia Johnson, Akifah Zaman
October 2, 2023
Present: Max, Diar
Karthika Kamath. Possible study with delta or lazy susan + VR on material perception
Lydia, timing, modules: crime and antisocial, development and anxiety, sleep, ?
Lily: proposing ideas for projects cybersickness reduction with music. Tom Freeman in cardiff looks at self motion in VR/AR. Issues with Ethics. Diar to send ethics assessment. Lily to send us reference to understand the effect.
Tapping project:
Present: Max, Diar, Susan, Yichen, Tongxuan, Bala, Karhika (remote)
Yichen Ge: Cs (motion tracking? gaussian splatting?), Python, C. 400
Bala Naga Pranav Suresh Kumar: Electronic communication engineering, slam robot, machine vision in robotics, vision for grasping (modeling of touch? prendosim?) labview, P, opencv, c, vhdl, camera
- Coda: students are asked to access coda where they can find information about practical arrangements for their project. File access is set to “write” so that students can make amendments and add information
- Meeting expectations: Students are expected to be present in person at meetings unless any situation arises. If students cannot attend in person they should try to connect on Teams. Not attending meetings delays the project. Students that can’t attend are expected to read the notes on CODA and add a comment on what they cannot understand or if they need any more information. Failing that, they can email Max or the other people in the supervision team but then they should put the information on coda for everybody else.
- Ethics statement: The goal of the statement is to record your reflection about ethical issues in your research and describe how you address them. 1) Consult the papers in your reference list (beginning of the method section). 2)read ethics approvals that the lab has (on the Consent form page on CODA) 3) FOR THE NEXT MEETING, CREATE A LIST of what ethical issues your participants will encounter and think about possible accounts for them 4) once you have finished defining your project and before running any participant, you will need approval by
@Massimiliano Di Luca
of your protocol (see participant recruitment and consent form section).
Timing project: literature available,
Maria proposed interviews before and after the data collection but before doing that, Susan and Maria will look at the data already collected with 6 quartets.
Shatha (and Lydia) got literature. Should send a paragraph of what the project is about.
VR project
Lily: Meet today including Tahani (MSc) for the Mars project.
Tarun: interested in neurorehabilitation. Diar shared his PhD intro. Diar to meet independently with Tarun tomorrow
Instructions for leading next meeting: Brainstorm and collect questions to be asked during the meeting For next time it could be preparing material to define the project timeline. Lead the note-taking.
VR project
Present: Max, Diar
Students: Tahani, Lily
November 6, 2023
New idea direction: collect more data on mindfulness that affects interview
Question about sample size to be discussed with Maria
Anxiety from storm
is the storm scary enough?
@Massimiliano Di Luca
TO DO: Find video of mars and link it here
Shatha : How much musical expertise affects sensorimotor synchronization accuracy in ARME simulation task. Cross conditions with either music (Haydn) or tapping synchronization.
November 13, 2023
Maria: met with Maria. Minfulness vs excitement influences time sequence 47 tapping x 10 times. Measurements: mean asynchrony, variability, mean IOI, +/- 1 cross-correlation, alpha
Shatha; musician vs non musician, single note vs haydn piece. Measurements: mean asynchrony, variability, mean IOI, +/- 1 cross-correlation, alpha
Maria and Shatha install the plugin on their laptop and either come to sort installation or record 10 sequences
Tarun: Itching without EEG.
November 20, 2023
Shata: We have discussed the MS Form Ethic quiz and updated the ethics page on coda
Maria: has github for metronome, and Max ok’d method
Lydia: aging and reaction time, meet later to assess what’s the best task, ethics consideration for extended age testing. Will schedule meeting to discuss further
Lily: looking for the mars code repo to add audio
Card still doesn’t work
Tarun: meeting today with Diar today and Stuart. Pursuing pseudohaptic weight with real objects and turntable. Seed paper
Lydia:Max: spoke about possible projects, and decided to pursue intensity effects on perceived isochrony. Tasks: listen to the psychophysics lecture and take notes about topics not understood, install Matlab on the laptop, read 2 seed papers that Max will provide, and meet with Susan. For Monday come with questions about the project and material provided
Ton, Rico, Diar, Max:
Ton: 100 metronome experiment in unity measuring preference with different alphas
Rico: Realtime score follower with cyolo and perhaps the virtuoso string dataset for retraining
November 24, 2023
Meeting between Ton and Rico and Diar, Maciek and Max
November 27, 2023
Present: Maria, Tarun, Lily, Shatha
Recruitment of Participants:
Send all materials to do with recruitment to supervisor first
Need to pilot first, to identify any problems and gain feedback (2 participants)
Use words such as ‘easy’, ‘fun’, ‘interesting’ to get people to sign up on RPS
1 credit per hour on RPS (work out how many trials you will conduct and this will align with time of the experiment, on average around 200 trials)
Set up study on RPS, just to make sure everything is ready for after the pilot (don't add any time-slots until you have conducted the pilot and are sure you are ready)
Ideally run experiments in test cubicles (3rd, 4th and 5th floor)