As a compliance admin, I want to be able to elect no approval required for posts while still being able to apply keyword approval worfklow to posts.
Posts Approval WF: Ability for institutions to elect “NO APPROVAL required” for approval workflow that does not contain keywords or phrases. Each approval workflow will have the ability to elect “no approval required” and that workflow can be assigned to users based on their user group.
This is not auto-approval. Posts that have no approval required should indicate that the post did not require approval in the post details because of the workflow that was assigned to the post.
As a compliance admin, I want to be able to elect no keyword approval required for posts while still being able to apply post approval worfklow to posts.
The idea behind this is that some customers will want all posts to go through approval review regardless of whether or not keywords are present.
This goes with the previous user story (2942). Combined together, they create a singular approval workflow where the user can define a process for posts with or without keywords.
As a compliance admin with the edit ability, I want to be able to create post approval workflow that is sequential (1 then 2 and so on) by assigning approval groups to each stage of the approval workflow with a max of 5 levels
Under Posts Approval WF:
Admin should be able to pick 1 THEN 2 (sequential) to assign the order of approval groups created by them. The user would select which approval group is applied to which level of the review. There could be several levels of sequential approval up to a max of 5.
As a compliance admin, I want the ability to create more than one post approval workflow and add an approval group to each workflow so that different users can have different post approval workflows applied to their posts.
Admin should be able to create more than 1 post approval approval workflow and assign groups as many times as needed
This will be like the list view in Approval Groups. It’s a significant change from the original wireframe
As an admin, I should be able to assign a post approval workflow to a user group from the post approval workflow menu.
This allows different users to have different post approval workflows. Example: Some users may require approval while other users don’t.
As a compliance admin, I should have to select a “default” post approval workflow so that all users will have an approval workflow assigned to them in the case the admin forgets to assign an approval workflow to a user group.
The default approval will be created as a backup in case the admin forgets to assign an approval workflow for an existing user group, or creates a new user group and forgets to go to assign an approval workflow.
As a post creator, I do not want to select an approval workflow when creating a post since the approval workflow will already be assigned based on the user group of the individual
This update will remove the need to select a post approval workflow when creating a post. The approval workflow will be assigned based on the user group of the individual creating the post.
As a compliance reviewer, I want to receive a review email notification based on the sequential approval order so that I receive an approval email only when the post needs reviewed by me.
Based on the approval workflow order the users in the approval groups should receive an email to approve. Example the 1st approval group should receive an email to approve when a post is created. The second approval group should receive an email after the 1st approval group has approved the Post.
The email should contain all post details, and if the post was approved by someone else in a previous sequential order.
As a post creator, I want to have my posts approved by the approval workflow that is assigned to me based on my user group.
Approval of posts in a sequential order entails for each post to be approved by the order assigned. Posts should not ever be auto approved just because the approver is in the approval group. All posts go through approval workflow and require the assigned reviewer to look at the post and either approve or decline. The only auto-approved posts should take place because the approval workflow was setup to have no approval required.
As a post creator or admin, I want to view the status of the pending approvals so that I can determine where in the approval process the post is.
Ex: “Pending Approval” Status post should display approved by 1st approval group while waiting on other groups.
As a post creator, I want to be notified via email when my post was either approved or declined so that I can take action if needed to get my post fixed so it can be posted.
Creator needs to receive only one “your post has been approved “ email after all approval groups have approved the post and the post is considered fully approved. Creator needs to receive only one “your post has been declined” email when one reviewer in any group declines the post with the comments the reviewer put in the review.
As a post creator, or an end user who is editing a post that has already been approved, I want to be able to edit the time/date and social networks without needing to get another approval so that I can save time in getting approvals for the same content.
Currently if anyone that has access to posts but not in the approval group, edits time/date or social networks of an approved post, it requires an approval again. Posts with date/time change or adding and removing social networks, when the post has previously been approved should not require an approval.
This will also help with pobo so a user can edit the date and time for a post an admin has scheduled on their behalf and it will not require a new approval.
This said it was fixed on DEN-431 but tested on 10/31 and it still isn’t working.
Requested by Sara/ Sound Credit Union
Migration Plan - As a compliance admin, I want all existing Approval Groups to be created as a sequential approval workflows utilizing one level so that it matches the current review process.
All customers current workflow will be created as a sequential approval workflow utilizing one level. The customer will need to go in and add multiple levels if wanted. The existing default approval group will be assigned as the default post approval workflow
Migration Plan - As a compliance admin, I want any any user group that has an unassigned post approval workflow or unassigned keyword approval workflow to follow the default post approval and keyword workflow so that all users will have a post approval workflow.
any user group with an unassigned post approval workflow will follow the default post approval workflow and an unassigned keyword approval workflow will follow the default keyword approval workflow in the list of approval workflows. Admins will need to assign workflows to a user group in order to use different workflows based on role.
As a super admin within the institution, I want a new user permission within the compliance menu called “Force Approval Option” visible, only if the institution checkbox has been enabled in Django.
Any user with the force approval permission enabled, will be able to force the final approval onto a post when they are reviewing it. For example, if a user has “Force approval” permission enabled and they are in the 1st level of the review process, their forced approval will bypass any and all levels of approval.
As a super admin, I want the ability to force a final approval on posts that I have been assigned based on approval workflow assigned to the user group.
This functionality adds a “force approval” button to the review page (publishing posts, and new “pending tasks” screen only for those who have the “force approval” permission enabled and have been assigned to the review AND the review is pending with them based on the approval workflow assigned.
As a Denim employee, I want to be able to enable / disable the force approval option for each institution.
Django feature within the institution settings. Currently BOK Financial is the only customer requesting this.
If the Django permission is enabled, then the “force approval” permission becomes available inside the institution settings under user permissions.
If the Django permission is disabled, the “force approval” permission is not even seen as an option.
This is to keep this option hidden for all other customers. We don’t want to promote this functionality but only enabled it for specific use cases when asked for by customers.
Approval Workflow as it relates to parent/child
As a parent admin, I want posts approved within the parent institution and added to a child collection to not need approval if a user from the child institution posts without editing.
In this scenario, the parent’s post goes through the approval workflow when added to the content library. That library is published to Collections and made available as a collection to the child institution. If a child selects a post from this collection and makes no changes, then the post should not need additional approval. This is the Cardinal example.
Here are the user stories for sequential approval workflow as it relates to parent/child
As a parent admin, I want posts approved within the parent institution and added to a child collection to need approval only if edited from the original content of the post.
This is implied from DEN-3036. In this scenario, if the child edits the post, the post will require approval and will need approval as defined by the parent. The child will not have the ability to create approval workflow and assign it to a post.
As a parent admin, I want posts approved within the parent institution and added to a child collection to need approval only if the child admin has assigned an approval workflow to that user group.
In this scenario, once the parent has created a post and added it to a collection shared with the child, they want to be hands off. It is up to the child to decide whether they want to approve posts from the shared collection whether they are edited or not. (This is the LGA example)
How to Review Pending Posts
As a compliance reviewer, I want to be able to see pending reviews that I need to complete so that I don’t spend time looking reviewing each pending review individually to see if it’s my time to review.
This could create unnecessary pain for a reviewer when we add sequential approvals. With sequential approval workflow, the 2nd level reviewer could sign in and look at pending reviews but not be able to take action because they could still be with the 1st level reviewer and vice versa.
As a platform admin, I want to see the record of all those who approved or denied a post within the Compliance Archive Report
This needs to support multiple approvers with timestamps of approval or denying of posts.