MarianaTek integration

Below is a detailed description of the MarianaTek endpoints used, their purposes, and how they are implemented.
### Configuration
The base URL for the MarianaTek API is configured using the `apiConfig` module. The URL includes a placeholder for the tenant identifier, which is dynamically replaced in the `getMarianaTekUrl` method.
private getMarianaTekUrl(tenant: string) { return apiConfig.marianatek.apiUrl.replace('_tenant_', tenant); }
### Endpoints
#### 1. Get User Details
**Endpoint:** `/users/self`
**Method:** `getUserDetails`
**Purpose:** Retrieves details about the currently authenticated user.
```typescript getUserDetails(tenant: string, accessToken: string) { return axios.get(`${this.getMarianaTekUrl(tenant)}/users/self`, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}` }, }); } ```
#### 2. Get Employee Details
**Endpoint:** `/employees?user={userId}&include=pay_rates`
**Method:** `getEmployeeDetails`
**Purpose:** Fetches details about an employee, including their pay rates, based on the user ID.
```typescript getEmployeeDetails(tenant: string, accessToken: string, userId: string) { return axios.get<GetEmployeeResponse>( `${this.getMarianaTekUrl(tenant)}/employees?user=${userId}&include=pay_rates`, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}` } } ); } ```
#### 3. Get Employee Public Profile
**Endpoint:** `/employee_public_profiles?employee={employeeId}`
**Method:** `getEmployeePublicProfile`
**Purpose:** Retrieves the public profile of an employee using their employee ID.
```typescript getEmployeePublicProfile(tenant: string, accessToken: string, employeeId: string) { return axios.get<GetEmployeeResponse>( `${this.getMarianaTekUrl(tenant)}/employee_public_profiles?employee=${employeeId}`, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}` } } ); } ```
#### 4. Get Class Session Types
**Endpoint:** `/class_session_types?page={page}&page_size=1000`
**Method:** `getClassSessionTypes`
**Purpose:** Fetches a paginated list of class session types.
```typescript async getClassSessionTypes(tenant: string, accessToken: string) { let page = 1; const types: GetClassSessionType[] = [];
while (page) { const response = await axios.get<GetClassSessionTypesResponse>( `${this.getMarianaTekUrl(tenant)}/class_session_types?page=${page}&page_size=1000`, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${accessToken}` } } );
if ( === { break; }
page++; }
return types; } ```
#### 5. Get Class Session Type
**Endpoint:** `/class_session_types/{classSessionTypeId}`
**Method:** `getClassSessionType`
**Purpose:** Retrieves details of a specific class session type by its ID.
```typescript async getClassSessionType(tenant: string, classSessionTypeId: string) { const response = await axios.get<GetClassSessionTypeResponse>( `${this.getMarianaTekUrl(tenant)}/class_session_types/${classSessionTypeId}` );
return; } ```
#### 6. Get Class Sessions
**Endpoint:** `/class_sessions?{params}`
**Method:** `getClassSessions`
**Purpose:** Fetches a paginated list of class sessions based on various query parameters.
```typescript async getClassSessions(data: GetClassSessionsDto) { let page = 1; const sessions: GetClassSession[] = []; const includedRelations: GetClassSessionsResponse['included'] = [];
while (page) { const params = new URLSearchParams({ employee_public_profiles: data.remoteEmployeeId, min_date: data.from, page_size: '1000', page: page.toString(), include: 'class_session_type,location', });
if ( { params.append('max_date',; }
const response = await axios.get<GetClassSessionsResponse>( `${this.getMarianaTekUrl(data.tenant)}/class_sessions?${params.toString()}`, { headers: { Authorization: `Bearer ${data.accessToken}` } } );
sessions.push(; includedRelations.push(...( ?? []));
if ( === { break; }
page++; }
return { sessions, includedRelations }; } ```
#### 7. Get Class Session
**Endpoint:** `/class_sessions/{classSessionId}?include=class_session_type,location`
**Method:** `getClassSession`
**Purpose:** Retrieves details of a specific class session, including its type and location.
```typescript async getClassSession(tenant: string, classSessionId: string) { const response = await axios.get<GetClassSessionResponse>( `${this.getMarianaTekUrl(tenant)}/class_sessions/${classSessionId}?include=class_session_type,location` );
return; } ```
### Summary
The `MarianaTekApi` class utilizes several endpoints from the MarianaTek API to perform various operations such as retrieving user details, employee details, class session types, and class sessions. The methods use the `axios` library to make HTTP GET requests, passing necessary headers and query parameters to fetch the required data.

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