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DOCtorate Application

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Daniel Sánchez

Your Resume Doc is a chance to informally share about yourself AND to complete a mini-project as a part of the application.


We’re pumped you’ve decided to apply to the Coda DOCtorate Program. The Resume Doc piece of the application is mad up of two parts:
Create a Mini-Project showing us how you do your to-dos
Create an About Me page where you’ll introduce yourself
Share your doc with
If you need more details on sharing, check out this article -
If you’d like to use this doc as a template, you’re welcome to copy it to get started.
However, feel free to create your own unique version too!

Create a copy now

Mini-Project Instructions:

At Coda, we use Coda for everything. One of our favorite ways to us Coda is to track our ‘to-dos’: everything from company wide OKRs to individual, daily to-do lists. For your Mini-Project, we want to know a little more about how you use (or would use) Coda to “Do Your To-Dos.”
Create a doc (or copy this one) to show us how you would build a to-do list in Coda
It can be any list, for example: Grocery List, Tracker of Weekly Activities My Kids Participate In, Projects that Need to be Completed Around the House
We know we’re not all Coda experts (that’s what the DOCtorate Program is for, right?), so don’t feel pressure to build the perfect doc. This is just an exercise for us to get a feel for how you build with Coda.

About Me Page Instructions:

Your Resume Doc should be brief; don’t feel like you should spend a ton of time on it.
You can use as a starting point, or create a totally unique version! Whatever facilitates your ideal introduction to the DOCtorate Team.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.