It is operational, how are you dealing in the world with these questions.
AK: For example, for Kirby, truth is a defensive strategy, to
protect himself from attacks in the world.
Not just from attacks, but from accidents and bumps in the road.
The truth about my tires in early 2024 was they were worn out and ready for
replacement. I was in denial, pretending a cursory overview by some
mechanic, months previously, meant a clean bill of health forever. Someone
with a different perspective persuaded me of the truth of the matter and
helped me address the situation. Now I'm safer on the road, with new
brakes and new tires.
Truths (especially absolute ones) are meant to be addressed and dealt with
more than stood for and/or championed (our assistance is not needed). I
think we get hung up on "telling the truth" based on admonitions from
childhood and/or from wanting to be good doobies. I'm not saying it's wrong
to wish for that form of integrity, but integrity comes in many forms,
including road worthiness.
I'd suggest 99% of what we encounter that's true is not something that
requires our help or even agreement in becoming manifest.