Welcome to the indie-Masters of Data Science for Business
Hi there - my name is Dan. I am an educator and education designer, and spend a lot of my time pulling together curriculum and programs.
Right now though, I am starting out on my own learning journey. I am curious about the applications of data science in my own domain - higher education - and want to develop a practical set of skills in data analytics, business AI, and python programming to augment my existing skillset.
And so I have designed my own self-directed program - what I am calling an indie-Masters of Data Science for Business. It is my hope that by sharing my curriculum, my learnings and my reflections I will inspire others to go on this journey, also.
This Coda site will double as both my work space, and as a copyable curriculum. So please use this as a template for your own learning.
- March 15, 2021 -
This program was inspired by a number of articles I have read, and programs/curriculum I have looked in to. Thanks to