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We are constantly working on improving our tool and want to make it as useful for you as possible. Any kind of feedback is highly welcome and we will look at each incoming stream of feedback individually. There are multiple ways to provide feedback either directly in the tool, via our feedback website or via email.
On this page, you will find:

Feedback via the tool

Throughout the tool you will find a feedback feature on the right side of the screen. To submit feedback click on the green button on the right.
image (1).png
This will give a pop-up that allows you to choose from three types of feedback.
Feature requests: Features are considered additional functions that are not yet in the tool but that you would like to see. If you think something would make the tool easier to use, such as moving a button to another location, changing the structure of a page or changing how it works.
Bug reports: Bugs are considered functional or practical errors in the tool that need to be addressed for it to work properly. If something in the tool is not working, such as a button that isn’t clicking, data that isn’t loading or a chart that looks like it’s incorrect.
Feedback: This could be broadly interpreted for things that don’t fall under the above two categories. They could be specific to the tool and it’s technical aspects and functionality, but you can also provide constructive feedback on how you are using the tool and how we can improve the tool to match your use case.
Once you have selected the type of feature request, you can give it a name and add a description. You can use the screenshot feature to help clarify what you would like to see in the tool. There is the option to take a screenshot and annotate it next to the submit button.
If you click the screenshot button, you can highlight a certain part of the screen, add a comment, draw on the screen and hide sections of the screen. Once you have finished editing your screenshot, you can click done.
The screenshot will automatically be added to the feedback submission and you can choose to either take another screenshot or submit the feedback as it is. You can also send in the feedback without a screenshot.

Feedback via our website

You can also choose to submit feedback via our (). This will also allow you to see feedback submitted by other users and you can upvote feedback that you think is important. This will allow us to prioritize feedback based on the needs of your users.

Feedback via email

You can also send us feedback via email to . We are also happy to jump on a call to discuss your feedback in more detail.


What happens to my feedback?
You can track and follow the feedback submitted that are made by our users We highly appreciate the time taken by our users to provide feedback and will make sure to take all the feedback we receive into consideration. If you would like to discuss ideas or give more in depth feedback, don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly at .
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