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Offering Creation Workbook

Sales Page Intro

Designing A Sales Page

Consolidate your Offers answers, and modify the messaging to create a sales page that prospects can view. Remember to continue to adjust your messaging to make your offer Distinguishable, Understandable, and Helpful.

Section 1 - Call out to Niche

I help (PERSON) who struggling with (PROBLEM) achieve (PAYOFF) by (PROTOCOL).

Section 2 - Name problems and pain points that they will relate with:

This is for you ​​ you are struggling with

Section 3 - Turn their biggest problem into a call to action & reinstate dream outcome (payoff) with Promise

Biggest Problem: _______________________________________________
Call to Action and Dream Outcome Statement with Promise:
If you are ready to overcome (Biggest Problem)and achieve (PAYOFF), schedule a time below where we will XYZ

Section 4 - Name what its costing client to not make changes necessary:

By not making the changes necessary to overcome (Problems) you will have to deal with

Section 5 - Express how you help solve their issues (this can your pillars) and walk them through sequential process:

First we turn (problem 1) into (solution 1)
Then we turn (problem 2) into (solution 2)
Repeat for 3, 4 etc.

Section 6 - Mention logistics / fulfillment (pricing optional):

The program is for X weeks where we meet Y times a week for Z sessions etc…

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