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Introducing two-way writeups

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Introducing two-way writeups

Supercharge your briefs and writeups in Coda.
Four examples of how you can make an informed decision quickly, while incorporating everyone’s feedback. Choose the one that best fits the complexity of the decision or format of the meeting.
Typical “briefs” or “writeups” have historically focused only on the content, often fostering a feeling of a one-way knowledge transfer. In the 1980s, this often took the form of the classic Powerpoint slide deck, and in the 2000s, we saw the introduction of collaborative documents such as Google Docs.
Now, Coda is elevating your typical brief into what we call a “two-way writeup.” And the primary difference is that two-way writeups bring questions and feedback into the doc instead of siloing them in the comment rail and emails, or spreading them throughout disparate tools. That way, your brief is transformed into content and a conversation that’s guided toward progress.
Interested in learning more about how Coda uses two-way writeups? Check out this doc from Coda’s Head of Product, Lane Shackleton: .
The ultimate goal of a two-way writeup is to have what you need to make a decision. Since this can range based on the complexity and the audience, we’ve put together four examples that can get you started quickly.

4 examples of two-way writeups to get you started quickly

Ready to clarify and document your decision-making process with a two-way writeup? We have four examples below — just copy any page to get started.
Use this example when making a large, strategic decision that requires significant context.
Share the doc in advance of the meeting to collect early feedback, or carve out time at the beginning for everyone to read.
Assigning roles such as “decider” or “informed” encourages accountability and a clear understanding of when a decision will be made.
Use this example when making a smaller, strategic decision that requires some context.
Share the doc in advance, during, or instead of a meeting.
Give everyone a chance to weigh in, then decide based on majority rule.
Use this example when bringing in context from other sources.
Easily transform your meeting from an open discussion to an organized way of addressing the most pertinent questions, while incorporating everyone’s voice.
Copy this example
Use this example to get feedback and make a decision, without a meeting.
Quickly get a read from your team or cross-functional partners.
Easily bring in content or designs from other sources.

We’re here to help! If you would like to try this technique and need help implementing it, the Coda team is happy to help. Click this button to get assistance: .

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