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Job Boards & Dream Titles

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I have nearly a decade of experience in the software industry as a Software Engineer. It is not sustainable to be a "code-monkey" because my wrists won't let me type for a full eight hours a day. I am looking to transition my career.

Job Boards


Something in Logistics...


(Iowa City, IA)

Temporary Staffing Agencies

Express Employment Professionals https://jobs.expresspros.com

Dream Titles

In order of most to least interesting.
Bold = I’m Qualified Now
🎓 = Additional Training Required

🎓 Design System Developer
Technical Writer
Lots of roles with different titles include technical writing.
Flutter Engineer
AKA, Mobile Design Engineer
UX Engineer
Half UX design, half prototype and software development.
AKA, Design Engineer
🎓 Business Process Automation (BPA) Engineer
With a focus on design and teaching.
Certificates in this field?
Lead Software Engineer
With a focus on design and teaching.
Tools Engineer
Test Engineer
Solutions Architect
Data Analyst
Inventory Management
🎓 UX Architect
One who designs and builds useful, usable, and delightful digital products using open technologies, a la
🎓 Systems Programmer
🎓 GUI Programmer (Video Games)
🎓 UI Engineer (Video Games)
🎓 Project Manager


No more startups (unless I have more of a leadership role): Medium-large organizations only
~$100k salary (or equivalent)
Three weeks PTO
Health insurance, flexible sick time
Sane leadership and tempered expectations (software is hard)


Project Management
Institutional Research
Google/Other Tech Certifications
Lots of specializations to choose from
Public Purchasing? (CPPB)

Back to School

Masters Degree in design from an accredited design school in Interaction, UX/UI, Service design, Design Research, Design Strategy, or similar


Eligible teachers of math, science, or special education may receive up to $17,500 in loan forgiveness. Other teachers may receive up to $5,000 in loan forgiveness.




Small Businesses (e.g. Software Companies)
Customer Service Roles
Iowa City Community School District (CSD)
Cedar Rapids CSD
Haan Furniture


Alec Diaz-Arias works here


- Track the past, present and future of companies (Office locations, etc.)
- Collection of technical interview questions from companies anywhere from startups to FAANG!

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