Consultancy & Workshops

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R&D & Rapid Scoping Project

A low-risk option to assess feasibility or deliver proof of concept.


We’re looking forward to helping you take a great step forward to automating your business via a short initial engagement we call R&D Technical Scoping. This is a short piece of work which is a great way that we can begin to achieve our primary objective in the partnership between your company and ours:

Deliver value early and often.

We’ve perhaps talked about a larger scale engagement, but before making a commitment, you first want to:
Conclude that we actually have the capability to help you achieve your integration and automation goals
Receive value from our insights and delivery
See if you and your team like working with our team
Have more definition, understanding and are at peace with our recommendations to move towards a longer term engagement or more complex project.
This R&D project is a quick, easy and low-risk way for us to test working together.

Project Goals

Our goal is to make a solid step forward in automating your business.
Capability: Show you our team’s ability to deliver working integrations and automations for your business.
Clarity: Help you understand your business logic, processes, tech stack and requirements in more detail to more easily visualise your full system design.
Confidence: Help you make an important step forward by highlighting risks and opportunities to give you confidence in your direction of travel

Business Outcomes

Based on more than a decade of professional experience, the likely outcome(s) of your R&D project could be one or more of the following:
Working concept: A developer will work on one aspect of your system and within a couple of hours, hand you back either a functional workflow, small system module or a proof-of-concept demo to show you what’s possible.
Reveal business logic: Sometimes a business doesn’t know exactly what they do until they try to teach a computer to do it. We frequently uncover decisions points and logic which are required but not yet defined or documented.
Refine business processes: As we help you automate a process, we may identify opportunities to change the process itself to deliver a better result for you. This is frequently the case in new or immature business processes.
Discover technology risks: If there are shortcomings in your existing apps that are holding your tech stack (and thus business) back, we’ll highlight them and make mitigation or software alternatives recommendations.
Authentication: It still amazes us how bad so many apps are are at handling authentication and others that misbehave at random. If one of your app’s APIs is going to be tricky, we will make you aware and help you make solid decisions.
System scoping: We go into every R&D project with our eyes on your longer term goals and vision, as we investigate and build - we’ll be noting down scope items and specifications to help you get to your full system version.
In our R&D engagements we attempt to deliver as much value within the time allocated to your project – in whatever form that value takes.

R&D Report

At the end of your R&D project, we will present you whatever relevant findings we have under four potential headings:
Concepts Delivered
Business Logic & Processes
Technology Risks & Authentication
Scope items

Testing and Decisions

Concept Testing:
If your R&D project results in a working concept (usually dependent on the other issues we may encounter), we’ll hand it over your team with specific testing instructions (since it might not be completed end-to-end). We will not, as a general expectation, be handing over a production ready automation.
If your R&D project results in logic, risk and scope item findings - we’ll hand these decisions over to your team to work through before moving forward.

Progressing into a full engagement

After your project, we hope that both parties see the potential for a longer term engagement. This depends on the value delivered by our R&D, your view of us and ours of your company.
Your review of us:
You should make an internal decision on whether to continue with us, shelve the project or find another provider and give them the information we put together for you in your R&D Technical Scoping project!
Our review of you:
Our team will review the project and decide if there’s sufficient fit between our company and yours.
Whatever happens
Your business will be better of for the clarity that you’ll have at the end of that and we also anticipate that your vision for automation will have grown significantly.


Services & Methodologies

You can see our full list of onboarding documents as well as our menu of services below.

Get Started

All you need to do to get started with Compound is complete our engagement form. Following this, our ops team will onboard you into your secure client vault and project stack (including securely sharing credentials so we can access your systems) and schedule a kickoff call.
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