Consultancy & Workshops

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Onboarding: Catalyst Workshop

Unlock a prioritised roadmap to build your technology vision.


You are a visionary that wants to automate your business and deliver an industry-defining digital experience.
You feel constrained by the rigidity and inertia of traditional coded-tech and its people.
You do not know exactly where to start and in what order to address the issues and opportunities you see.
Catalyst workshop is the fastest way for you to obtain an achievable vision of the technology future in your business, backed by a prioritised roadmap and strategy to take you there.
The foundation of the workshop is built on knowing your business. So much value is often left untapped by technologists because they focus exclusively on the “how” of tech without zooming out to 50,000 feet to ask the “why” of your business goals.
With Compound, everything that comes out of your Catalyst workshop and beyond is based on an empathetic understanding of you, your vision, your people and your context... and then your technology. We call it Catalyst because it is THE FASTEST way for us to begin implementing effective solutions that deliver value early and often.
This document introduces Catalyst to help you decide if it is the right next step in the transformation of your business and outlines the practical details.

This is part of our series of onboarding documents for prospective clients. Click below to see more.


Contract Type: One off, fixed price for fixed scope
Description: Your team and two of our automation and lowcode solutions consultants will explore and map out the transformation of your business through our roadmapping workshop structure, based on the theory of constraints and agile methodology. We first obtain a firm grasp of the current reality of your business in terms of principles, culture, vision, stakeholders and then unpack your vision for the future.
From here we identify your current challenges, opportunities and tech constraints. These are prioritised and explored to generate a set of solutions required now, next and in the future – all contained within a systematic roadmap. We have a flexible approach to the issues covered; zooming into one or two key issues that are keeping you up at night, or zooming out into blue-sky “what if” mode.
Our guiding framework for the workshop is the theory of constraints and the principles of agile technology development.
Rate: We offer two versions of Catalyst, depending on your objectives:
Lite - One day - £2376 - Know your business and zoom in on pertinent issues/opportunities.
Full - Two days - £4224 - Know your business and explore automation across your entire stakeholder lifecycle, blue sky
Venue, travel, accommodation and subsistence applied at cost where required.
To schedule your workshop, a £750 deposit is required. The balance shall be payable by invoice on completion.


Workshop Fee Rebate

If you engage us with a retained service plan within a calendar month of the the workshop, a 50% rebate of the workshop fee will be credited against your service plan in the third month.

Master Services Agreement: All of our engagements are governed by our . We’ve done our best to keep this simple and streamlined with no legalise.


The workshop has three phases, shown below.
catalyst workshop.png
The amount of time allocated to each phase differs from Lite (Day 1) to Full (Day 1 & Day 2), as shown below:



If you have opted for the Lite workshop, you will receive an email before the workshop with a request for information. This form is extensive and is designed to help us shorten the route to discussing the most important issues in-person to maximise the use of the limited time.
Your workshop will be delivered by two solutions consultants who will bridge the gap between business strategy and technology requirements. Working in tandem, they will facilitate the activity whilst recording progress and capturing outputs continuously.
You should involve all key decision makers as well as anyone whose daily rolls are likely to intersect with the technology solutions discussed. If the workshop is taking place on your premises, it will be good to set expectations with relevant colleagues that we may draw on them for insights.
Venue & Facilities
The venue chosen for your workshop should facilitate easy movement of participants around a large surface area. If you do not have a suitable facility, we can help identify one at a convenient location for all to maximise participation and cost-effectiveness.
As a minimum we recommend the venue has:
Whiteboard & pens
Projector with HDMI or USB-C connection
Our team will bring additional paper media to facilitate the required activities.
Post workshop
Lite – We will send you an email summary of the highest priority items with details of solutions required and in which order.
Full – Our consultants will finish prepare a roadmap of all of the issues identified in the workshop, grouped by needs, wants and ideas and prioritised as now, next and future. We will include all scoping information developed during the workshop for the issues.
Engagement. If you wish to engage Compound in a project or ongoing service partnership on a retained basis, we will make a plan with you in the final stage of the full-workshop, or book in a post-workshop call for the Lite workshop.
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