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Talent tracker

The talent tracker is a Calgary UX initiative to make it easier to connect talented local designers to future employers.

Problem Statement: Enhancing Job Connectivity for Calgary UX Community Members
Within the vibrant and expanding Calgary UX community, a significant opportunity exists to better facilitate connections between UX professionals seeking employment and the recruiters or hiring managers looking to fill UX roles in Calgary.
The problem is multi-faceted, involving not just the lack of a streamlined platform for connecting job seekers with recruiters but also the need for a supportive environment that fosters good relationships and feedback between everyone involved. The talent tracker should be tool that not only bridges this gap but also aligns with Calgary UX's values of trust, kindness, creative collaboration, and professional development is essential for sustaining the community's growth and enhancing the career prospects of its members.
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General Requirements
Service Nature: The service is provided free of charge. Users must acknowledge and respect this aspect by using the service truthfully and responsibly.
Behavioural Expectations: Users are expected to conduct themselves in a considerate, respectful, and collaborative manner at all times within the community.
Prohibition of Misconduct: Any form of demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior is strictly prohibited. Users are required to familiarize themselves with and adhere to the community's Code of Conduct.
Recruiter Engagement: Recruiters and hiring managers engaging with candidates through the community platform must commit to providing feedback to rejected candidates and refrain from ghosting them.
Reporting Mechanism: Users must report any witnessed or experienced unacceptable behaviour to the Calgary UX Team promptly via the provided email: .

Enforcement and Consequences

Ban for Abuse: Users who engage in abusive behaviour will face immediate and permanent banning from the community.
Feedback Obligation for Recruiters: Failure by recruiters or hiring managers to provide feedback or engage in ghosting may result in restrictions or bans from the community platform.
Compliance with the Code of Conduct: Continuous monitoring and evaluation of user behaviour against the community's Code of Conduct will be conducted. Non-compliance may lead to disciplinary actions ranging from warnings to expulsion from the community.

These requirements are designed to create a safe, respectful, and engaging environment for all participants of the community service, ensuring a positive and productive experience for members, recruiters, and managers alike.

UX Design Project Template

Project Overview

Project Name:
Team Members:
Stakeholders map:
Project Goals: Briefly outline what the project scope aims to achieve from both a business and user perspective.


Objective: Define what you intend to discover through your research.
Methods: Outline the research methods (e.g., surveys, interviews, usability testing).
Participants: Describe the participant profile.
Timeline: Specify the timeframe for completing the research phase.
Tools: List any tools or software being used for research.
Deliverables: Research report, user personas, journey maps.


Design Principles: Define the core principles guiding the design process.
Information Architecture: Outline the structure of information within the product.
Wireframes: Create low-fidelity wireframes to establish basic layout and functionality.
Prototypes: Develop high-fidelity prototypes to simulate user interaction.
Visual Design: Detail the visual design approach, including color schemes, typography, and iconography.
Usability Testing Plan: Plan for testing the designs with users to gather feedback.
Tools: Specify tools for wireframing, prototyping, and visual design.
Deliverables: Wireframes, prototypes, visual design files, usability test report.

Development Handoff

Design Specifications: Provide comprehensive documentation of design specifications for developers.
Design System/Style Guide: If applicable, include a design system or style guide.
Prototypes: Ensure developers have access to interactive prototypes for reference.
Collaboration: Schedule regular meetings with developers to address questions and ensure alignment.
Tools: List any tools used for handoff (e.g., Zeplin, Figma).

Evaluation and Iteration

Usability Testing: Conduct usability testing with the developed product.
Feedback Implementation: Outline the process for implementing feedback from usability testing into the design.
Performance Metrics: Define success metrics for the project (e.g., user satisfaction, conversion rates).
Future Considerations: Identify areas for future research or development.

Project Closure

Final Review: Conduct a final review with stakeholders to ensure project goals have been met.
Lessons Learned: Document lessons learned throughout the project to inform future projects.


References: Any research papers, articles, or external materials referenced.
Meeting Notes: Summaries of significant meetings and decisions.
Change Log: Documentation of any significant changes to the project scope or design.
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