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Script: Future-proofing UX education: Balancing Technology and Responsibility

Date: September 26, 7 pm MDT Zoom link: Meetup link:


To remain competitive in the ever-changing technological environment, designers, academics, and mentors must balance teaching cutting-edge technology and communicating ethics, equity, and responsibility. By sharing their insights, they can help us understand and take advantage of the opportunities this environment brings to the profession.
This event emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and adaptation for new and experienced designers in the dynamic technology field. Designers need to stay updated with the latest trends, tools, and techniques to remain relevant and competitive in their profession while exploring the ethical ramifications of implementing new technology and our role in society. ​Panel:
Free online panel with 3-4 speakers


Meng Li ​User Experience Designer at J5 Design Studio Moderator:
Valeria Vichy UI Designer at Talently


Milena Radzikowska Chair, Information Design
at Mount Royal University ​ Indi Wijesooriya ​Instructor Manager at Circuit StreamIsabelle Sperano, PhD Digital Experience Design Coordinator and Associate Professor of 
Digital Experience Design at MacEwan University ​Robert Andruchow Chair, Department of Design at MacEwan University



Welcome and warm up

where’s everyone joining from
Upcoming community events and keep in touch
Moderator to paste in the chats
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Reminder: be kind and create safe space
Introduction of the facilitators Meng Li Currently working at J5 with Government of Alberta’s Digitial Design and Delivery division to help transform the system and build user-friendly products for both citizens and government employees.
Valeria Vichy
Currently working as a freelance digital product designer helping humans understand software through a minimal interaction design.

Intro to topic (to be edited)
Newer -how to keep up
Later - how to balance other things
4 panel speakers who are professionals, academics, mentors - share insights and help us navigate
Designers need to stay updated with the latest trends, tools, and techniques to remain relevant and competitive in their profession while exploring the ethical ramifications of implementing new technology and our role in society.
Intro to speakers
(or get the speakers to introduce themselves)

Potential Question areas

The Ethical Implications of Teaching about Emerging Technologies:
What are some examples of emerging technologies that raise significant ethical concerns?
How can organizations and professionals stay informed about the ethical considerations surrounding new technologies?
What role should government regulations play in addressing the ethical challenges of emerging technologies?
Can you provide examples of companies successfully integrating ethical considerations into developing emerging technologies?
How can businesses balance the pursuit of innovation with ethical responsibility when adopting new technologies?
Strategies for Teaching Technology Responsibly:
What are effective methods for teaching students and professionals to approach technology responsibly?
How can educators integrate ethics and responsibility into technology-focused curricula?
Can you share specific case studies or best practices in teaching responsible technology use?
What role can mentorship and practical experiences play in teaching technology responsibly?
How can educational institutions adapt their programs to meet evolving technology and ethical challenges?
Promoting Diversity and Inclusion in Design Education:
What does inclusion and diversity mean to you in the context of design?
Why is diversity and inclusion important in design education, and how does it impact the design field?
What strategies can educational institutions implement to create a more diverse and inclusive learning environment for aspiring designers?
How can design programs encourage underrepresented groups to pursue careers in design?
Are there successful examples of organizations or institutions that have effectively increased diversity in design education?
How can diversity and inclusion be integrated into design curriculum and coursework?
Building a Framework for Ethical Design Practices
We are not healthcare providers; there is code of conduct document; if you were to draft a code of conduct document for us designers, what principles and guidelines would you put in there?
What are the key components of an ethical framework for design practices?
How can organizations establish and enforce ethical design guidelines and principles?
Can you provide examples of ethical design frameworks successfully implemented in real-world projects?
What challenges or obstacles might organizations face when adopting ethical design practices?
How do ethical design practices contribute to building trust with users and consumers?
Inspiring the Next Generation of Responsible Designers:
What strategies can industry professionals use to inspire and mentor the next generation of designers to prioritize ethics and responsibility?
How can design education programs instill a sense of social responsibility in their students?
Are there specific initiatives or organizations focused on nurturing responsible design talent?
What role can storytelling and real-world examples of responsible design play in inspiring young designers?
How can we measure the impact of efforts to inspire and cultivate responsible designers in the industry?

Closing and thank you

Keep in touch reminder and moderator to paste in the chats
Join Slack community: (expires in 30 days) Meetup events: Youtube videos of past events: Stay connected on LinkedIn:

Resources shared during the session:

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