
What is a Neo-Khalistani?

Differences between Neo-Khalistanis VS Khalistanis

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Reuploaded version with a new cover image since the mascot of Neo-Khalistanis had a massive tantrum about it. Upon request and out of respect for a mutual third party, I decided to change it:
Original version since that “mutual” third party turned out not to be very mutual at all. The Guru Khalsa has no respect for the requests of Masands. So here is the original version back up:

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(01) Vagueness
(Classic) Khalistani
Not too dissimilar too politicians, lofty promises and statements of intent are given, but there is no subsequent detailing of how that vision would work. Nor is there any desire to fill in those gaps.
By keeping things vague they avoid responsibility and accountability. Without goals, targets and deadlines set, no Neo-Khalistani can be held to their word! Very clever way of gaining power by doing nothing.
More attention is given to calling for a “Sikh Homeland” rather than defining what it could actually could look like.
True Khalistanis appreciate the value in planning, thinking ahead and working out a vision in detail.
Singhs previously had detailed their demands methodically such as that in the Anandpur Sahib Resolution and many other documents.
Just like the , these may have their flaws, but at least it’s something.
By having something solid that we can draw from and improve if necessary, subsequent actions are far more coordinated.
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(02) Hype Artists
(Classic) Khalistani
A Neo-Khalistani is one who will fight for the mic on stage and make elaborate speeches. A lot of mouth-noises but actually saying very little. They appeal to emotion and remove reason and logic, pulling on the audiences heartstrings to generate hype that ultimately leads nowhere practical.
A Khalistani doesn’t fight for microphones, it fights for Azaadi, intelligently and strategically.
The demeanour is the opposite of the kind of hype-artists much of the Panth have become sheep for today.
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(03) Victim Mentality
(Classic) Khalistani
Neo-Khalistanis do not want solutions, they want to constantly complain about problems. So when presenting them with potential ideas to actually solve what they constantly cry about, they run away!
Instead, they will spend all their time highlighting how we are oppressed. It may be true, but what’s the point of saying it if you don’t want to do anything about it and refuse to engage in ideas that try to solve it?
They make the Panth into victims, and they Postition themselves as the saviours (without substance).
Real Khalistanis do not make the Panth into victims, they empower them with the knowledge that they are already liberated.
Khalistanis work not just to combat those who oppress their community, but everyone, everywhere. They are not limited to nation-states.
They do not have a victim mentality because they recognise victory in the mere fact they fight for a just cause — Dharam Yudh.
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(04) Reactive vs Proactive
(Classic) Khalistani
Neo-Khalistanis only address a problem when it is in front of them. Due to their lack preparation their responses lack effectiveness and are mostly emotional.
Often, nothing can be done at all because the correct systems were not already in place ages ago for them to use now.
Instead, the reaction is often making posts on social media or going on a march before forgetting about the whole thing a week later when the next problem arises.
Real Khalistanis are Tyar Bar Tyar. Reason, not just emotion, is their guide in these matters.
Whilst ultimately optimistic they have already prepared their minds for the worst and have systems in place to respond effectively to different scenarios.
Instead of waiting for issues, they predict them ahead of time and work on plans to avoid or mitigate them. If they have a goal, they will have a plan.
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(05) Utilising Itihaas
(Classic) Khalistani
Neo-Khalistanis only ever tell Itihaas, they don’t use it to make more Itihaas.
So engrossed are they in looking backwards, that all their efforts are directed towards raising awareness of events in history. Whilst important, this is all they do and then wonder why by looking back they are not moving forward.
They also can not generally see into the past anything before the 1980s. They ignore much of Puratan Itihaas, thereby limiting the lessons they can learn.
Khalistanis recognise the utility in studying all Itihaas. This doesn’t just include Sikh Itihaas, but also the histories and myths of all traditions around the world (as did our Gurus).
This way a Khalistani mindset recognises the same patterns occurring throughout history and humanity and designs appropriate plans.
Because they haven’t limited themselves like Neo-Khalistanis, their suggestions will be more relevant and drawn from a larger data source.
They dont just read history — they make it.
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(06) Secularism
(Classic) Khalistani
Neo-Khalistanis refuse to engage meaningfully with other communities to build bridges and networks. Instead they overgeneralise, become bigoted and have a hidden (conscious or subconscious) ideal to establish a Sikh ethnostate.
Instead of working out a new system, they aim to establish a “Sikhi-themed” Pakistan or Hindustan. No different to what they are complaining about currently, just with them in charge. In time, they will become the exact thing they fought against.
Khalistanis aim to establish or reform systems where all are regarded equally and respected regardless of relgion, caste, race or any other arbitrary conditions.
Hence, they recognise the immense value in sitting with and discussing Azaadi with Hindus, Muslims and others as these will be the fellow citizens in a potentially new state / reformed one.
Khalistanis work for Azaadi for all, not just Sikhs.
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(07) Armed "Revolution"
(Classic) Khalistani
Neo-Khalistanis are Panthic Politicians.
If a Khalistan was ever made, the same Neo-Khalistanis today making all the noise would be at the forefront of gaining leadership positions, but nowhere near the front lines if (god forbid) an armed struggle would take place, despite them being the ones calling for it.
Proof of this? No one is stopping them from picking up AKs right now. Be wary of anyone asking you to do something them themselves won’t do.
And really God forbid an open armed struggle for a nation with no plan. It is the biggest mistake we can make today. Honour our Shaheeds by not repeating the same strategies that were appropriate for their time, but not for ours. Don’t waste their sacrifices.
Neo-Khalistanis actively ignore alternatives to violence and convince themselves and others it is the only way, despite it being counter-productive. They will happily turn Panjab into a warzone and further destroy an hopes of economic recovery in the process. Who will want to invest in region filled with war? Neo-Khalistanis will turn regions into another Afghanistan in the process of obtaining a Khalistan.
Khalistanis recognise the sacrifices made by our Shaheeds have given us today, time and space in which to manoeuvre.
Instead of choosing a head-first, armed struggle approach, Khalistanis recognise that the battlefield has changed. Now is an age of information warfare.
Khalistanis understand the enemy they are fighting and work to uncover how to utilise a system, not blindly butt heads with it because Neo-Khalistanis hyped them up.
Khalistani Strategy is based on intelligence and a long-term vision. It doesn’t require a fantasised guerilla campaign that some Neo-Khalistanis are pushing. They instead use the appropriate method for the situation they are in, by first understanding it.
If Shastar need to be used, it would only be where there was absolutely no other alternative. Every other option exhausted and guaranteed to have the intended effect. Even then, it should be used exactly where it is needed, no collateral. Surgical.
But again, an intelligent modern Khalistani strategy requires no violence at all. Stick with Azadism, and I’ll show you how.
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(08) Activism
(Classic) Khalistani
Neo-Khalistanis are solely activists. The extent of their activism revolves around posting on social media, going on marches and making passionate speeches.
Neo-Khalistanis won’t adopt newer tactics though like activists from other movements or employ techniques related to cyber-warfare or other methods.
Instead, they prefer to beg at the doors of our enemies. How does it make sense if someone who was burgled went to the burglar and begged them for their stuff back, whilst the burglar was in the process of committing burglary elsewhere?
However, I won’t rinse this too much since this all we have right now, and a little is still better than nothing.
Although Khalistanis can’t imagine Guru Gobind Singh making signs and going on protests (the only marches Guru Ji did were on the battlefield and they held shastar not signs), they do not discredit this approach entirely given that the battlefield has changed.
They recognise it as part of a wider strategy. Just one prong of a multi-pronged approach. Whilst this stuff is absolutely neccessary in this day and age, there is still much else that can be done as well.
Such as actually planning what a Sikh State would look like and how it would work in advance. Just like before the American Independence, there were years of effort put into sorting out the philosophy and mindsets that informed the final constitution.
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(09) Keeping Their Word
(Classic) Khalistani
Neo-Khalistanis make promises they don’t keep. They will say to your face many things to be nice but have no intention of keeping their word. Some are even straight up liars and anti-Panthic in disguise!
Lacking all honour, Neo-Khalistanis are the Panth’s demagogues.
If a Khalistani says they will do something, they will, or will make the maximum effort possible.
If a Khalistani can not hold a promise they will make it clear they can’t from the start or otherwise humble themselves in apology.
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Don’t be confused, this post wasn’t made just so we can go out and label people as another division. This is also aims to be a form of self-reflection that we must all do. Even I have some Neo-Khalistani qualities. These 9 factors are to assess yourself with as much as any one else who claims to speak on your behalf. As I said in , the number one threat to a Khalistan or Azaadi in general isn’t anyone else, it us ourselves. These qualities are not just observations I’ve made from interacting with specific individuals, but also us as a whole Panth. As soon we start holding ourselves accountable and taking up responsibility, you will be surprised by the rate of change that will occur.

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Bunga Azaadi — Institute for Azadist Studies

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