
Class Section
Plan Notes
3/4 I dreamed a dream”
3x Demi Plie, rise. Arm 3rd and in, 1st to 2nd, 5th and hold.
Grand Plie. Por de Bras.
In 1st, 2nd, 4th & 5th.
Slow tendu 4/4 New yourk state of mind
2x SLOW tendu. (counts 1,2,3,4- out, in, out, in)
Plie, stretch with tendu, pass through frist to back, pass to front, close. (count 1,2,3, &, 4)
2x Slow tendu (1,2,3,4)
Tendu, pass back, front, close on plie, stretch. (1,2,3 & 4) essentially reverse combo of above.
Repeat side, with tendu to side instead of passing. In second vaeiation stop one tendu early (when closed behind) and prepare arm again to fill count.
Repeat back. Repeat side.
Rande Jambe
RDJ 3/4 stars
1x 4 count rande jambe en de hor
2x 2count rande jambe
4x 1count rande jambe
Lift en lair to the front, rande jambe to side, 2x rand ejambe en lair using only lower leg, lower, close behind. (1,2,3, &, 4)
Repeat en dedan.
Retire working leg, 4 counts to get it there. Hold, and test balance, 4 counts. Promenade away from barre, no hands if possible, all the way around and back to original front, 8 counts. Hold for 4 counts. Develope leg to side at 45 degree height, hold 4 counts. Pass to back (still in air) pass to front, close. Retire INSIDE leg and balance to finish.
fondu ¾ empty chairs and empty tables
Fendu coupe, stretch develop, fondu (leg still extended), stretch with leg back to coupe. (bend foot in, stretch leg out, bend leg out, stretch bring it in).
Repeat side back side.
Low develope front, fondu, tendu, close. Repeat INSIDE leg. Repeat side. Develop side, then turn to barre.
Petit Battement & Frappe
2/4 I wont dance
Prepare to coupe front in intro.
Petit battement x3 quick, 1x slow. (1, &, 2, , 4) (back front back, and front) repeat x4
2xfrappe en croix (front, sde, back, side)
Repeat all in reverse.
3/4 sleeping beauty
Slow demi plie with por de bras through 5th.
Develop devant.
Pass through first to back, pass front, carry to side, close.
Repeat Derriere.
Grand Battement
Grand Battement 4/4 climb every mountiain
2x Grand battement, pique, back to GB height close.
Repeat en croix.
Plies ex 54
adage 2;31

Tendus ex55
2 tendu front tendu plie tendu close 2 tendu front tendu passes x2 close. repeat side with petit develope in place of passe repeat derriere and second.
Jete and degage ex56
Jete front x2 degage x3, en croix Glisse x1 en croix x2 rdj en lair x4 repeat in reverse glisse in 1st, x8 plie in 5th repeat Repeat starting back.
rande jambe & Develope ex57
R De J
fendu tendu, rand jambe to back to front, stretch bend. RDJ slow end hor x2, 1 quick, close. Repeat all in derriere. Develope attere en criox develope en lair en croix side stretch to barre and away retire rise. develope RDJ to attitude, balance
Ankles ex58
switch x3
switch x2 plie releve
single plie x2 rise
Grande battement ex59
G B 1:14 in good company
GB, tendu, GB, plie en criox 8 side 6 tendu to second, GB Hold to finish.
Tendu's ex45
Do Re Mi
Tendu (on count) x2
tendu RDJ to 2nd.
Close front.
Repeat Closing back.
Repeat Back
Repeat Side closing behind to RDJ.
2 Tendu's en croix
glisse 2nd x4
glise x8 double time.
Fendu ex46
Amanda's Song)
Fendu, develope devant
Repeat En Croix.
Fendu, rise, lower develope, demi rdj en lair to 2nd, hold.
Repeat En croix
Ran de jambe en lair ex47
R de J en lair 1:17
Prepare to side
RDJ en lair x2,
double rdj en lair.
Repeat en dedan.
Repeat All.
Petit battement x8 slow, x16 fast
Frappe x3 en criox, x1 en croix.
Close Retire.
Adage ex25
Adagio 2 - Adage Ballet Dance Steps
Prep for Ballote. Front leg, inside leg, then to side.
Chase' 2nd towards centre, develope.
Chase 2nd towards barre, develope close.
Develope 2nd, fouette to barre close. develope side, RDJ to derriere, close.
Rise in 5th, bourre to left side. ()
2 demi, 1 grande, port de bras, rise. In 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th. Repeat left.
f, s, b, plie, reverse, turn around.
En croix, side pice, side pica, left
Rande jambe
One slow on fendu, two quick, reverse, circular port de bras.
F, s, b, develope, f, s, b, ritire balance, fifth turn around. Repeat. (
Grande Battement
Tendu, grande battement f, s, b, grande side, releve turn
Plie ex1
adagio 2 - adage ballet dance steps
2 demi plies
2 rises
1 grand plie
1 por de bras
1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th.
rise to finish
Tendu's ex2
Frappe 2 2/4 I got rhythym
Tendu x4
tendu, plie, tendu close
glisse x3
Repeat en croix
petit battement
Petit Battements & Ragtime
prepare before music
petit battement in 3’s, x8 (back front back, front back front)
petit battement x8 even timing
Ron de Jambe and stretch ex5
Bonapartes song
ronde jambe to front, to side, to front to side close.
RDJ to side, to back, to side to back close.
Plie, RDJ to extend, 3 quick endehor. Repeat in reverse
Retire fendu attere en croix
circular por de bras
Jete Battement
Jump 6/8 Symphony in C
Jete (quick) x4
Jete passes x4
Jete Slow x2
Jete, Fendu to coupe, jete, close.
en croix
when to side x8 instead of fendu, x4 on the second repeat
Grand Battement
grande battement - cecchetti society
Grand battement front x2, grand battement balance x2 finish close front. Repeat en croix with swivel when a la seconde’

Grand Battement
grande battement - cecchetti society
Grand battement front x2, grand battement balance x2 finish close front. Repeat en croix with swivel when a la seconde’

Petite Battements
Petit battements and ragtime
prepare before music
petite battement in 3’s x8 (back front back, front back front etc)
petite battement x8 even timing
Plies ex21
On my own
demi x2
grande plie
Por de bras
rise, hold.

plies ex27
beauty and the beast
demi x2
plie x2
1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th turn
repeat on left
balance in 5th
tendu ex30
tendu and ragtime ballet
tendu close, tendu close, glisse, pique, close
tendu close tendu close
tendu plie stretch rdj to second, close
repeat on croix
glisse ex31
facing barre
8 glisse r leg
8 glisse l leg 4r,4l, 2r, 2l, 1r,1l,1r,1l
randejambe ex32
coda 2/4 don q
rdj en de hor x1 x8 counts
x2 quick
pique x2 en croix
petite battement plie close
rdj endehor x2 through attitude, 2nd, derriere attere
passe to tendu devant
develope's ex35
musci of the night
retire passe x2
retire develope
por de bras
front side back
lift to arabesque finihs on balance
Ankles ex58
switch x3
switch x2 plie releve
single plie x2 rise
frappe 2/4 lisa harris
x3 hold en croix
double side x2
grande battement ex33
strike up the band
devant x2
balance x2
x2 swivel
derriere x2
balance x2
swivel to second pull up 5th turn repeat left
plie ex16
ballet exercises 1
3 demi plies, rise
grand plie
por de bras
retire passe x2 rise to 5th finish
tendu and tango music
4 tendu devant
tendu devant, passe derriere passe devant close
glisse, pique, pique close
repeat side with all pique, no passe
repeat all commencing derrier
3 pique back on croix
4 tendu side
4 pique side
2 tendu 2 pique
jete battement ex 18
jete 1 ballet 6/8
jete x2
jete fendu couple jete close
repeat all, en croix
repeat jete fendu couple jete close enc roix
rande jambe en lair x4 to side
close repeat
repeat x2 close
repeat x2
ran de jambe ex22
rond de jambe 1 - ballet bar 3/4
fendu, tendu devant, rdj to back, to front, repeat, stretch supporting leg (4 counts0 1 slow (4 counts0
2 medium (4 counts)
2 quick, passe, lift en lair hold
repeat in reverse

tendu side, por de bras to barre
turn to bar with tendu derrier, por de bras back, bourree around to other side

repeat on left
tendu and jazz music
x4 rise, x2 rise, ned stretch lower
repeat in parallel, and turned out
1 other leg, x3 releve hold
Adage ex25
Adagio 2 - Adage Ballet Dance Steps
Prep for Ballote. Front leg, inside leg, then to side.
Chase' 2nd towards centre, develope.
Chase 2nd towards barre, develope close.
Develope 2nd, fouette to barre close. develope side, RDJ to derriere, close.
Rise in 5th, bourre to left side. ()
grand battement ex19
grand battements 1 dance lessons 3/4
tendu GB repeat
GB x2
GB balance x2
repeat en croix
Facing Front. Plie, chase to second, stretch in tendu, turn to 1st arabesque. (1,2,3,4). Lift leg en lair, hold (5,6,7,8). Carry arms to second, to second arabesque, to 1st, to 3rd arabesque (1,2,3,4), fendu supporting leg, pas de bouree under to close left leg in front (5,6,7,8)
Pirouette in Centre
Echappe releve x2, releve retire, pirouette.
Adage ex52
with one look
start face C1 left foot front. prepare back foot to corner 4. step coupe, develope ecarte to C2, tendu, close behind. repeat with right leg. coupe, bourree entournant arms through fifth to C1, chase left foot to 4th arabesque, lift en lair, close. Repeat other side.
Tendu's and glisses ex50
centre tendu and degage

Releve Passes. ex51
pointe- releve passe

Pas de Bourree en tournant ex63
Pas de Bourree en tournant ex63
Turns ex10
assemble temp leve
Releve & Turn from 5th.
por de bras
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, then kneeling. Or left.
adage arabesque
Grande plie, chase derriere, to 4th open, change arms, close, en phase. Tendu 2nd, pivot to 1st arabesque, lift leg en lair, fendu, pas de bourree, coupe bourree en tournant. Repeat left. (19)
chasse pirouette
Chasse pirouette coming down in the room 3 en dehor, land in fifth, prepear en dedan, releve
jete assemble
Jete temp leve, r, l, coupe assemble, changement changement.
Tendus in the centre
Slow tendu, degage x2 in the eight directions of the body
Promenade Ecarte
Facing croise
Front foot Develope or retire to tendu Ecarte’.
Promenade 12 counts. fendue pas de bourree to close.
Repeat other side
Pirouette from 2nd
pirouette in centre.
Standard preparation for pirouette and releve variation for level. Right and left.
Releve 5th, tombe’ to second plie, releve/pirouette variation for level. Right and Left.
All closing behind. (passe’)
Pas de bouree enchainment
prepare tendu to side
pdb derriere, pdb devant (no changing)
pdb en avant, pdb an arrierere en diagonale
tendu to finish
arabesque and promenade
ribbon in the sky
chase to elance c1 (1st arabesuq crosie)
change arms to 2nd arabesuq
change arms to croiose derrier
lift leg en lair
lower leg, arms to second
chase passe to 4th arabesque, coupe bourree entorunant, close 5th facing c2
repeat all other side

por de bras
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, then kneeling. Or left.
Turns ex10
assemble temp leve
Releve & Turn from 5th.
Side balance x2, balance forward, back, turning waltz x2.
Lame Ducks

Petit Allegro
Temp leve into chase pas de bourree, cabriole devant, chase pas de bourree. Repeat left. (Zig Xag down Room
Pose arabesque

Soutenu's ex48

Glissade's & Changements. ex7
Echappe, soussou, releve, tour
Glissade, changement Repeat left Glissade x3, changement. Repeat all Left
Pas de chat ex66

pas de basque and turn ex67
2 pas de basque, 2 petiti pas de basque en tournant
chasse pas de bouree glissade pas de chat

gallop lame duck, develope

Grande jetes

chasse pas de bouree glissade pas de chat

balance ex15
waltz 5 3/4 background music for dance classes

Pose Turns


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