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NEAR OCA AI Assessment

Use this section to insert basic information about the organisation, date of the assessment etc.
Name of the organisation
Date of self-assessment
Facilitators Name
Address of the organisation
Name of the focal persons from organisation who were present during discussion
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Use this section to insert answers you collect during the assessment.

Facilitator's Onservation
Governance and Leadership
a) Our organization has clearly documented vision statement
Vision, Mission and Goals
b) Our organization has clearly documented mission statement
Vision, Mission and Goals
c) The governing body understands the vision and mission of our organization.
Vision, Mission and Goals
d) The management and staff understand the vision and mission of our organization
Vision, Mission and Goals
e) Our organization’s programs and projects are in line with the vision and mission
Vision, Mission and Goals
a) Our organization has an independent governing body with a documented and approved constitution
Governing Body
b) Our organization has a formal and functioning governing body
Governing Body
c) Our governing body reflects a balanced composition in terms of diversity e.g. gender, skills, age, religion, regions, people living with disabilities etc.)
Governing Body
d) Our organization has a clear process of election/selection/appointment of members of its governing body
Governing Body
e) Our organization has a clear process of inducting new members of the governing body
Governing Body
f) The board/management committee usually reaches a quorum at its meetings in line with the constitution
Governing Body
g) The governing body has the authority of making decisions independent from the founders
Governing Body
h) The governing body is accessible and available to support organizational growth
Governing Body
i) The governing body adheres to the mechanisms of accountability
Governing Body
j) The governing body communicates clearly and is transparent
Governing Body
k) The governing body’s roles, responsibilities and authority are clear and distinct
Governing Body
l) The governing body is involved in resource mobilization
Governing Body
m) The governing body is involved in lobbying and advocacy
Governing Body
n) The governing body demonstrates leadership in assessing organization development
Governing Body
a) Our organization is a legal entity appropriately registered (or is hosted by a legal entity appropriately registered in the nation).
Legal Status
b) Our organization complies with all the laws of the nation e.g. payment of taxes, payment of rates etc.
Legal Status
c) The members of the governing body have access to legal advice and services when needed.
Legal Status
a) Members of the governing body clearly understand their respective roles and responsibilities
Board roles and responsibilities
b) Our board members participate in mobilization of resources for the organization
Board roles and responsibilities
c) Our organization has in place leadership succession procedures and plans
Board roles and responsibilities
d) The governing body is actively involved in review of achievement of strategic goals, financial and resource position of the organization
Board roles and responsibilities
e) The approval of the strategic ,budgets and operational plans is documented in the minutes of the governing body
Board roles and responsibilities
f) Board members consistently attend organization’s key programs events.
Board roles and responsibilities
g) Our organization has in place a conflict of interest policy.
Board roles and responsibilities
a) Our organization has a clear membership recruitment strategy.
b) Our organization has an updated list of members.
c) The membership contributes to the formulation of policies in our organization.
d) There is adequate representation of the membership on the board
e) Our organization has clear communication processes for the different members
f) Our organization has a retention strategy in place for its membership
General Management and Administration
a) The structure and composition of management is clear
Responsibilities and Functions
b) Members of the management team have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities
Responsibilities and Functions
c) The management is committed to the vision, mission, and goals of our organization.
Responsibilities and Functions
d) The management is accountable to the governing body.
Responsibilities and Functions
e) Members of the management have relevant skills and competencies required for its role and functions
Responsibilities and Functions
f) Members of the management receive on-going training to further develop their skills
Responsibilities and Functions
g) Our organization has clear internal co-ordination mechanisms
Responsibilities and Functions
a) Our organization undertakes periodic strategic planning using a participatory process involving board/management committee, staff, members and key partners.
b) Our organization develops operational and annual work plans to implement the strategic plan
c) Our organization annually monitors/reviews the implementation of the plans in(b)
d) The attitudes, behavior and actions of the management encourage participation and involvement of staff and other members in decision making for our organization
a) Our organization has adequate infrastructure (buildings, facilities and equipment) to support effective and efficient operations
Infrastructure and Administration
b) Our organization has a competent officer(s) responsible for organization's administration functions
Infrastructure and Administration
c) Our organization has a written policy on administration matters and are they consistently applied
Infrastructure and Administration
d) Our organization has put in place persons responsible for the maintenance (cleanliness, repairs) and security of property
Infrastructure and Administration
e) Our organization has secured facilities to ensure access to critical documents and equipment is limited to authorized personnel
Infrastructure and Administration
f) Our organization has a reliable and regularly maintained filing system
Infrastructure and Administration
g) Our organizational information is backed up regularly (in soft or hard versions)
Infrastructure and Administration
h) Our organizational information is backed up remotely
Infrastructure and Administration
i) The organization undertakes a periodic assessment to determine space and equipment needs.
Infrastructure and Administration
j) Our organization has adequate plans to address ongoing needs and concerns regarding the facilities and funds are set aside to address the needs.
Infrastructure and Administration
k) Organizational records are organized and well kept
Infrastructure and Administration
l) There are mechanisms to ensure effective and timely communication
Infrastructure and Administration
m) Organizational logistics are well supported to ensure effective and timely fulfillment of tasks
Infrastructure and Administration
n) Our organization keeps an updated inventory of all assets and equipment
Infrastructure and Administration
a) Our organization has developed values that all members of the board, management and staff identify with.
Organizational Culture
b) Each department has a written scope of services that describes the services provided
Organizational Culture
c) The values of our organization are reflected in the actions of board/management committee members, management and staff
Organizational Culture
a) Our organization has clearly written and documented staff management policies
Operational Policies and Procedures
b) Our organization has clearly written and documented Operations policies
Operational Policies and Procedures
c) Our organization has clearly written and documented equipment & facilities policies
Operational Policies and Procedures
d) Our organization has a regularly updated structure that clearly reflects delegation of authority, division of responsibilities and lines of reporting and communication.
Operational Policies and Procedures
e) The organizational structure allows for effective communication and work relations within the organization
Operational Policies and Procedures
f) The policies and procedures apply to everybody in the organization without discrimination.
Operational Policies and Procedures
g) Our organization regularly reviews and updates the policies and procedures.
Operational Policies and Procedures
Financial Management
a) Our organization has documented financial policies and procedures that apply to everyone in the organization without discrimination
Financial Management Practice
b) Board, management and staff use the organization’s financial resources and assets as per the guidelines
Financial Management Practice
c) Our organization has fulltime qualified finance staff
Financial Management Practice
d) Our organization has clear guidelines on segregation of financial duties
Financial Management Practice
e) Our organization consistently prepares timely bank reconciliations
Financial Management Practice
f) Our organization prepares and regularly reviews budgets
Financial Management Practice
g) All relevant staff participate in developing and reviewing the budgets
Financial Management Practice
h) Our organization has a mechanism of recording each donor’s income and other in kind support
Financial Management Practice
i) Our organization’s financial reporting is consistent, timely and accurate.
Financial Management Practice
j) Our organization has policies and procedures that management and staff follow in the purchase
Financial Management Practice
of goods and services.
Financial Management Practice
k) Our organization has a framework that assist with the planning, recording, replacement,
Financial Management Practice
maintenance and use of its assets
Financial Management Practice
l) Our organization has a travel and expenses policy which includes: Travel arrangements, methods, approvals, per diem and receipts requirements.
Financial Management Practice
m) Our organization conducts regular external audits.
Financial Management Practice
n) Our organization consistently shares audit recommendations with the board and relevant staff
Financial Management Practice
o) Our organization consistently implements audit recommendations
Financial Management Practice
p) Our organization has an accounting software in place
Financial Management Practice
a) Our organization notifies all prospective bidders of all solicitations for contract bids, and then provide prospective bidders with sufficient time to respond to such solicitation
b) Our organization, upon a formal invitation to bid has been issued, awards the procurement contract to the qualified bidder whose bid substantially conforms to requirements set forth in the solicitation documentation and offers the reasonable cost.
c) Our organization has a procurement process in place that identifies the individuals involved, their roles and the methods used for single sourcing/pre-qualification of suppliers.
d) Our organization undertakes market surveys using a specific and documented process for running and maintaining the database of service providers.
e) Our organization has a committee composed of qualified individuals that has oversight of procurements for different thresholds. Minutes of all the committee meetings are recorded.
f) Our organization carries out feasibility analysis and option analysis to determine the most economical option ahead of procurement.
g) Our organization undertakes research on service procurements and conduct interviews, such as major consultancies and audit services.
h) Our organization reviews all contract performance before renewal or any extension is granted.
i) Our organization keeps and maintains records showing amounts due to suppliers that are reconciled regularly with statements from them.
j) Our organization monitors all contractual and administrative issues arising out of the procurement, including those related to source evaluation, protests, claims, and disputes.
Human Resources
a) Our organization has well documented staff and volunteer policies and procedures.
Human Resource policies
b) All staff and volunteers demonstrate understanding of the policies and procedures.
Human Resource policies
c) The staff and volunteer policies and procedures apply to all staff and volunteers uniformly without discrimination.
Human Resource policies
d) The staff and volunteer policies and procedures are regularly updated.
Human Resource policies
a) Our organization has an open and fair staff /volunteer recruitment process
Recruitment and Deployment
b) A staffing plan is developed, based on the organization’s strategic plan and the department’s scope of services.
Recruitment and Deployment
c) Our organization conducts thorough induction and orientation of all new staff and volunteers and the orientation program is documented and attendance is monitored
Recruitment and Deployment
d) Each staff member and volunteer has a written contract
Recruitment and Deployment
e) All staff and volunteers has a written job/role description
Recruitment and Deployment
f) All staff members and volunteers operate within their respective roles and responsibilities as spelled out on their job/role descriptions
Recruitment and Deployment
g) Tasks assigned to staff and volunteers correspond to written job descriptions.
Recruitment and Deployment
h) The organization has a recruitment and retention plan that is developed collaboratively with department leaders, and is updated annually.
Recruitment and Deployment
i) Employee turnover is well managed so that organization’s operations do not falter
Recruitment and Deployment
j) Staffing levels are adequate with at least all key positions filled
Recruitment and Deployment
a) Our organization pays staff salaries that are in line with market rates
Reward and Motivation
Reward and Motivation
Reward and Motivation
b) Our organization has ways of rewarding exemplary performance
Reward and Motivation
c) Our organization has ways of effectively addressing poor performance among staff
Reward and Motivation
d) The work environment in our organization promotes high staff morale and positive regard for one
Reward and Motivation
Reward and Motivation
List: Evidence, references, documents as relevant:
Reward and Motivation
e) Interpersonal conflicts among staff are dealt with in a timely and fair manner
Reward and Motivation
List: Evidence, references, documents as relevant:
Reward and Motivation
f) Our organization has a way of motivating and rewarding volunteers
Reward and Motivation
a) The organization has a documented system for reviewing and managing performance of staff and volunteers
Performance Management
b) The management acts on the recommendations of staff performance assessment.
Performance Management
c) The management has adequate skills for staff supervision, and skills development
Performance Management
d) Our organization has a system for encouraging staff to develop their professional skills.
Performance Management
e) Our organization determines staff development needs, based on the staff appraisal done on annual basis and develops a staff development plan.
Performance Management
Program Development and Management
a) Our organization has a clear program strategy.
Program development
b) Our organization projects are designed on the basis of needs assessment.
Program development
c) Our organization incorporates sustainability in projects design.
Program development
d) Our organization possesses internal capacity to develop quality project proposals.
Program development
a) Our projects are implemented with the view of supporting community members.
Program management and implementation
b) Our projects takes into account community views during implementation.
Program management and implementation
c) Our projects develop appropriate action plans to guide implementation.
Program management and implementation
d) Our projects include gender and equity strategies in all aspects of development and implementation
Program management and implementation
e) Our projects are designed to ensure they can be replicated or allow for scaling up.
Program management and implementation
f) Our organization applies lessons learnt from project implementation.
Program management and implementation
g) Our organization holds capacity building activities to those involved in program activities through training, demonstrations and extension services.
Program management and implementation
h) Our organization is responsive to beneficiary needs.
Program management and implementation
i) Our organization provides appropriate technologies or innovation to enhance activities.
Program management and implementation
j) Our organization promotes positive support and working relationship with stakeholders.
Program management and implementation
Project Performance Management
a) Our organization has clearly written MERL plans that are in line with the strategic plan and its programs.
MERL Plans
b) All programs and projects have clearly defined results at different levels (i.e. input, output, outcome and impact levels).
MERL Plans
c) All programs and projects have indicators for the different levels of results (input, output, outcome, impact).
MERL Plans
d) Our organization has a complete set of data collection tools.
MERL Plans
a) Our organization has staff assigned the responsibility of MERL.
M&E Resources
b) Our organization has staff who are skilled and experienced in MERL
M&E Resources
c) Our organization has enough budgetary allocation for implementing MERL activities
M&E Resources
a) Our organization collects data from relevant sites/sources regularly
Implementation of M&E Plans
b) Our organization conducts timely analysis of data generated to determine trends
Implementation of M&E Plans
c) Our organization addresses data quality issues (timeliness, integrity, reliability, precision,
Implementation of M&E Plans
d) Our organization produces high quality reports regularly and timely.
Implementation of M&E Plans
e) Our organization’s reports are shared internally
Implementation of M&E Plans
f) Our organization’s reports are shared externally with other stakeholders
Implementation of M&E Plans
g) Our organization has an effective way of filing data/information (both physical and electronic files)
Implementation of M&E Plans
h) Our organization undertakes regular and timely evaluations of its programs/projects.
Implementation of M&E Plans
i) Our organization uses information generated from MERL processes for decision making.
Implementation of M&E Plans
j) Our organization upholds learning through regular exchange visits, conferences among others
Implementation of M&E Plans
External Relations and Sustainability
a) Our organization has a documented plan on how to raise funds and other resources.
Resource Mobilization
b) Our organization has a mechanism for generating own income (e.g. a business, sale of products, offering consultancy services, etc.)
Resource Mobilization
c) Board members and staff have skills and other capacities required in resource mobilization
Resource Mobilization
d) Our organization links resource mobilization to our strategic plan
Resource Mobilization
e) Implementation of the resource mobilization plan is on schedule
Resource Mobilization
f) Our organization has a track record of mobilizing resources from local (national) sources
Resource Mobilization
g) Our organization has a track record of mobilizing resources from sources outside the country.
Resource Mobilization
h) Our organization has a plan for investing part of the income it generates.
Resource Mobilization
i) Resource mobilization is a team effort in our organization
Resource Mobilization
j) Our organization monitors and evaluates the resource mobilization endeavors
Resource Mobilization
k) Our organization receives technical support and resources from donors
Resource Mobilization
l) Our organization engages with donors in a relationship that benefits both parties
Resource Mobilization
m) Our organization has a donor retention mechanism
Resource Mobilization
a) Our organization engages with the community at grass root levels
Relationship with Communities and primary beneficiaries
b) Our organization has a wide circle of contacts from the community that it can call on for support, including bankers, lawyers, government officials, business community, accountants, consultants, etc.
Relationship with Communities and primary beneficiaries
c) Our organization can clearly define criteria of identifying its stakeholders/audience
Relationship with Communities and primary beneficiaries
d) Our organization has a clearly articulated strategy for managing relationships
Relationship with Communities and primary beneficiaries
e) Our organization regularly uses communication tools like Brochures; Annual reports; Newsletters; Webpage; Social media sites, Media packages to give updates on the organizations interventions and achievements.
Relationship with Communities and primary beneficiaries
f) Our organization is responsive to beneficiaries’ needs.
Relationship with Communities and primary beneficiaries
g) Our organization holds capacity building activities for beneficiaries through different means (e.g training, demonstrations, extension services, mentoring).
Relationship with Communities and primary beneficiaries
h) Our organization promotes positive support and working relationship amongst beneficiaries.
Relationship with Communities and primary beneficiaries
i) Our organization enhances beneficiaries’ access to information, capacity development and other forms of support.
Relationship with Communities and primary beneficiaries
a) Our organization partners with other CSOs in a relationship that benefits both parties
Relationship with Other Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
b) Our organization has minutes of meetings, memos, or reports which indicate cooperation with relevant community organizations
Relationship with Other Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
c) Our organization’ staff actively participate in community coalitions, local civic organizations, etc. as representatives of the organization
Relationship with Other Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
a) Our organization has a written mechanism for identifying the private sector to work with
Relationship with the Private Sector
b) Our organization has a working relationship with private sector
Relationship with the Private Sector
c) Our organization has received resources from the private sector to support its work.
Relationship with the Private Sector
a) Our organization has a clear mechanism to engage with the media
Relationship with the Media
b) Our organization has received recognition in the local media where stories on our work have been highlighted.
Relationship with the Media
c) Our organization has an updated list of media contacts.
Relationship with the Media
d) Our organization regularly engages with the media
Relationship with the Media
e) Our organization sets aside resources to engage the media
Relationship with the Media
a) Our organization has a clear mechanism of engaging with Government and legislative institutions
Relationship with Government
b) Our organization’s engages legislative and local government representatives who are regularly invited to our events.
Relationship with Government
c) Our organization has a way of obtaining and giving important information to and from government on public issues.
Relationship with Government
d) Our organization takes into consideration national, regional and local development priorities in its work.
Relationship with Government

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