used in assessing the capacities of local
Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).
The tool contains 7 capacity areas/components namely:
Governance and Leadership
General Management and Administration
Human Resources
Financial Management
Program Development and Management
Project Performance Management
External Relations and Sustainability
These are further broken into sub capacity areas and statements of excellence/indicators that guides the respondent during the self-assessment scoring process. The facilitator will use the tool to generate discussion with individual participatin organizations and thereafter allow the individual organization’s representatives to give their scores against each statement of excellence using the scoring criteria presented below.
The responses are in form of YES, NO and NEUTRAL and are to be awarded against each
statement of excellence.
There is a provision under each statement to list any evidence to support the YES, NO or
NEUTRAL response given.
On very rare circumstances, respondents may be allowed to respond with a N/A (Not
applicable), meaning the statement does not apply to the organization. However, the
facilitator should be notified for guidance.
The responses will further be analyzed separately by the facilitator and awarded scores of
on a scale of 1 – 4, where:
1: Weak
2: Average
3: Strong
4: Very Strong
With the excel sheet analysis, the scores will be averaged and rated according to the four
phases of organizational development. These will appear in graphical representation and
captured on the assessment report as numerical results.
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