Ryan King
DOI Complaint

Chain of Events Summary

Named Insured: Ryan & Amanda King Claim #: 38-53D7-58R
Dear Pennsylvania Insurance Department,
The following is a summary of relevant events which have transpired.
Report Submission (December 26th 2023): I submitted a detailed report on the claim in December.
Confirmation of Report Receipt (January 26th 2023): State Farm confirmed receipt of my report, and that is was being reviewed.
State Farm Response to report: Muriet Turner from State Farm contacted both insureds (husband and wife) directly but did not communicate with me. Additionally, Muriet only addressed one aspect of the report, which was the “brittleness test”. She did not acknowledge that the roof is three layers and cannot be repaired due to code requirements, although it was the main section of the insureds claim.
Transcript [from insureds iPhone]: “This message is for Amanda, this is Muriet calling with State Farm, if you can return the call 972-887-7135 on_____ we did review the video from your contractor, um it shows that the shingles did in fact crease when he bent it back, however it does not indicate that reasonable care with you so my opinion the roof can definitely still be repaired, the total replacement is not warranted. I have made contact with your agents office to let them know that information as well, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to just give me a call back thank you have a good day”
please note that this is a voice to text transcript.
Response to State Farm's Communication:
a. Voicemail & Email sent by me: I sent an email and left a voicemail outlining my concerns, including the lack of communication, the failure to acknowledge the most critical aspect of my report, and the policy provision covering this scenario.
b. Email from Insured: The insured sent an email, stating the same thing as my voicemail.
Lack of Response from State Farm: More than ten days have passed since informing Muriet Turner of these concerns, without any response from State Farm.
Zachariah Gillespie, Public Adjuster #977956
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