Sparklines are simply condensed data visualizations intended to leverage the internal “Blink” skills of your Coda users. They provide an extremely simple conveyance of data - perhaps a trend line or even a distribution over time - you get a sense of the underlying data in an instant. The digital world we live in doesn’t often afford the time to read complex charts; we need tools that embrace our capacity to blink and make rapid decisions.
. The table is really simple; just some notes and observations as I wend my way through the various aspects of the R&D process while trying to determine if Sparkify is worthy of publishing. Typically, Sparkify will be applied to the rows of a column or the detail records of a lookup table like this:
But sparklines are formulas that also work inline in text as simplified KPIs (see examples below).
These two sparklines present the confidence (or happiness) I’ve enjoyed with specific product requirements. The Confidence Journey shows the relative success achieving certain technical milestones, while the Confidence Level simply aggregates those items to provide an overall metric. As a reader, you don’t really need a comprehensive or detailed chart to glean my assessment of the R&D experience; a sparkline is ideal for this.
Confidence Journey
Confidence Level
The confidence journey represents the hills I need to climb to reach commercialization of the product.
The confidence level is the cumulative attempts to scale all of the hills.