6. Leadership and Soft Skills

4. Personal Branding and Networking Skills

Last edited 337 days ago by Craig Cox

Build Your Personal Brand and Expand Your Network with Personal Branding and Networking Skills

Welcome to Personal Branding and Networking Skills, a tailored service designed to help professionals like you build a strong personal brand and expand your professional network. This service is essential for individuals looking to advance in their careers, change industries, or establish themselves as thought leaders in their field.


The Personal Branding and Networking Skills service is specifically designed to assist you in building a compelling personal brand that aligns with your career goals. We also provide actionable strategies for effective networking, both online and offline. By leveraging the power of personal branding and networking, you can enhance your professional presence, attract new opportunities, and establish valuable connections within your industry.


Primary Objective: Assist you in building a compelling personal brand that aligns with your career goals.
Secondary Objective: Provide you with actionable strategies for effective networking both online and offline.


Brand Assessment
Conduct an initial consultation to understand your career goals, existing personal brand, and networking strategies.
Utilize tools such as SWOT analysis and online presence audits to gain insights into your current brand positioning.
Brand Development
Develop a personalized brand strategy that focuses on key elements such as online presence, public speaking, and content creation.
Utilize interactive sessions, guided exercises, and resource materials to help you shape and refine your personal brand.
Networking Strategy
Create a detailed action plan tailored to your unique needs for expanding your professional network.
Provide guidelines for effective networking at events, on social media platforms, and within organizations.
Ongoing Support and Monitoring
Offer periodic check-ins to assess the effectiveness of your branding and networking strategies.
Provide additional resources and coaching as needed to ensure your continued growth and success.

Cost and Pricing

The service is tiered into three categories to accommodate different career stages and social factors:
Entry-Level Tier
Cost: £600
Sales Price: £750
Social Mobility Discount: A 20% discount is offered to individuals from difficult-to-reach or social mobility cold spots, reducing the sales price to £600.
Mid-Career Tier
Cost: £700
Sales Price: £900
Executive and Senior Coaching Tier
Cost: £850
Sales Price: £1,150

Metrics for Success

Client Satisfaction: Measured through post-service surveys and ongoing feedback to ensure your satisfaction with the results.
Brand Recognition: Evaluated by assessing the reach and impact of your personal brand following the service.
Networking Effectiveness: Assessed by the expansion of your professional network and the quality of connections made.

Training Requirements for Staff

Branding Expertise: Our staff is trained in modern branding techniques, including online presence management, to provide you with the most up-to-date strategies.
Networking Techniques: Our team understands effective networking strategies and platforms to guide you in expanding your network successfully.
Client Communication: Our staff possesses effective communication skills for conducting consultations and providing actionable feedback tailored to your unique needs.

Risk Mitigation

Inconsistent Branding: We ensure that the branding strategy is cohesive and aligns with your career goals through meticulous planning and attention to detail.
Client Disengagement: We implement strategies to keep you engaged and committed to your personal branding journey, ensuring you get the most out of our service.

Review and Feedback Mechanism

After the service is completed, we will prepare a detailed report outlining your progress in personal branding and networking, along with any recommendations for ongoing support. This report undergoes internal review for quality assurance before being shared with you, ensuring that you have a comprehensive understanding of your growth and the next steps in your personal brand and networking journey.
Build a powerful personal brand and expand your professional network with our Personal Branding and Networking Skills service. Contact us today to embark on the path to professional success.
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