4. Personal Branding and Networking Skills

8. Work-Life Balance and Wellbeing

Last edited 337 days ago by Craig Cox

Achieve Work-Life Balance and Wellbeing with Personalized Coaching

Welcome to Work-Life Balance and Wellbeing Coaching, a transformative service designed to help professionals like you achieve a balanced lifestyle while maintaining high performance at work. This offering is essential for individuals at all career stages who are struggling with stress, burnout, or work-life imbalance.


The Work-Life Balance and Wellbeing Coaching service is specifically designed to assist you in achieving a balanced work-life dynamic that enhances both your professional performance and personal wellbeing. We understand the challenges you face and are committed to helping you navigate them to achieve a fulfilling and satisfying life.


Primary Objective: Assist you in achieving a balanced work-life dynamic that enhances both your professional performance and personal wellbeing.
Secondary Objective: Provide you with actionable strategies for stress management, time management, and overall wellbeing.


Initial Assessment
Conduct a comprehensive consultation to understand your current work-life balance, stressors, and lifestyle habits.
Utilize assessment tools such as lifestyle questionnaires and stress tests to gain insights into your unique challenges.
Personalized Coaching
Develop a customized coaching plan focusing on key areas such as stress management, time management, and mindfulness.
Utilize interactive coaching sessions, guided exercises, and resource materials to empower you to make positive changes.
Action Plan
Create a detailed action plan with achievable milestones that will guide you in improving your work-life balance.
Provide a toolkit of resources for stress management and time management to support your progress.
Ongoing Support and Monitoring
Offer periodic check-ins to assess your progress and make necessary adjustments to the plan as needed.
Provide additional resources and coaching to ensure your continued growth and success.

Cost and Pricing

The service is tiered into three categories to accommodate different career stages and social factors:
Entry-Level Tier
Cost: £500
Sales Price: £650
Social Mobility Discount: A 20% discount is offered to individuals from difficult-to-reach or social mobility cold spots, reducing the sales price to £520.
Mid-Career Tier
Cost: £600
Sales Price: £800
Executive and Senior Coaching Tier
Cost: £750
Sales Price: £1,000

Metrics for Success

Client Satisfaction: Measured through post-service surveys and ongoing feedback to ensure your satisfaction with the coaching experience.
Work-Life Balance: Improvement in your work-life balance as assessed through follow-up consultations and self-assessment.
Wellbeing Metrics: Improvement in stress levels, sleep quality, and overall wellbeing as reported by you.

Training Requirements for Staff

Wellbeing Coaching: Our staff is trained in coaching techniques specific to work-life balance and stress management to provide you with effective and personalized support.
Assessment Tools: Our team is familiar with the assessment tools used for initial consultations, allowing for comprehensive insights into your unique challenges.
Client Communication: Our staff possesses effective communication skills, enabling them to conduct consultations and provide actionable feedback tailored to your specific needs.

Risk Mitigation

Ineffective Coaching: We ensure that the coaching plan is tailored to your specific needs and challenges, maximizing the effectiveness of the coaching experience.
Client Disengagement: We implement strategies to keep you engaged and committed to your wellbeing journey, fostering a continuous growth mindset and positive change.

Review and Feedback Mechanism

After the service is completed, our team will prepare a detailed report outlining your progress, action plan, and any recommendations for ongoing support. This report undergoes internal review for quality assurance to ensure that you receive comprehensive insights and actionable feedback.
Achieve work-life balance and enhance your overall wellbeing with our Work-Life Balance and Wellbeing Coaching service. Contact us today to embark on your journey towards a more fulfilling and balanced life.
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