Key Metrics
Soil Carbon Stocks 0-30cm
Property Carrying Capacity
Farm Profile
Your Goals
...these are what we have heard so far, they will change... please update as applicable
Strategic Grazing
Carrying Capacity
There are 24 months of graze data in MaiaGrazing that provides a good indication of the spread in production, on a per paddock basis to help visualise where the actual carrying capacity has been in order to be realistic about future increase.
NOTE: It is recommended that the majority of new fencing & water point infrastructure be delayed until after Carbon project baselining is completed to allow this to be included in additionality requirements for any potential project registration.
15 paddocks (roughly a third of paddocks) represent 76% of total farm area, meaning there is still large areas of development remaining to bring increase paddock count per mob, increase recovery rates and density required to achieve potential soil Carbon increases The constraint to potential sub-division is adequate water points to meet the needs of larger mobs for reduced graze periods necessary in a greater number of smaller paddocks Stock Water
Each Cell has its own dedicated reticulated water system, with direct injection (DIT) for nutrient by-pass protein potential, which is excellent capacity building There are multiple Bores ranging in depth from 6m on the eastern side of property to 20m on Rosella Cell Rosella Cell recently has 5 bores/pumps installed, and had 40km x 3” pipe laid and connected, with tanks and 2 x trough per point.. fences are yet to be completed. It is expected this will be done by the end of dry season 2023 All waters are minimum 2L/s and better, up to 5-15L/s capacity, so water capacity really is well in hand for development
When sampling in Splitters and Cell 1, there were 450 cows were in good quality feed, 650-700LSU for a week, circa 50SDH graze, on their way to yards for Stud AI ... ie going slowly to time arrival, which flushed out considerations for lifting stocking rate versus genetics/Bulls/admin. For a season like presently enjoyed there is opportunity to put mobs together to reduce selectivity in grazes, increase recovery and start to see animal impact.. AFTER registration.
Note: If you plan on committing to a registered carbon project then we recommend applying the recommendations in below AFTER project registration.
Take your time to develop confidence in rotation of livestock, we actually want to limit the implementation of any significant change prior to a Carbon Project registration and baselining. Take your time to develop confidence in rotation of livestock, we actually do not want to implement any significant change prior to a Carbon Project registration and baselining. The priority is to find the boundaries of confidence with larger mobs, water sufficiency and plant recovery and feed ahead of stock.
Land Health
Assessment (Topsoil)
Estimate of Management Interventions Costs
Natural Capital Monetisation
Carbon Estimation Areas (CEA’s)
Est Area after further exclusions (Ha)
Current Soil Carbon Level (%)
Estimated Sequestration Rate (t C/Ha/Yr)
(Note: maps below are in being refined as at 10th July 23 to reflect discussions with Paul Rogers regarding southern Rosella soil type change)
The average of estimated SOC gains, weighted to Area, are further modelled in below, with the following comments:
Break-even rate required means the annual rate of increase in SOC% to cover all estimated Carbon project costs, including 6 x sample events, 3 x audits, ACCU commission, government discounts and administration The Lower Bound is the weighted average of various in-house modelling tools used to provide a conservative estimate of estimated SOC% gains where the intended management interventions of grazing and soil management are achieved The Upper Bound is the estimate of SOC% gains we believe are possible based on comparable farms with comparable management intervention outcomes