If you have access to CodaAI, it will use GPT to categorize your transactions for you, and it does a terrific job! Otherwise you’ll need to categorize manually.
Start by reviewing and adjusting the categories to fit whatever scheme works for your purchases. Do not delete “Discounts” because that’s what this document uses to round up all the price adjustments that appear on your invoice as “Deal of the Day” or “Coupon Savings”.
Note: Because these price adjustments are applied to the entire invoice and do not link to individual purchase items, there is no way to know which item is discounted. The “Discount” category is used only as a way of adjusting your overall purchase totals for border reporting purposes.
is where you activate AI to categorize your transactions. If you don’t have CodaAI this is where you can categorize transactions manually.
To categorize transactions with AI Click on the arrow in the column heading, then pick “refresh” to trigger AI categorization. You can always correct the AI after it runs by re-assigning categories manually.

shows all your transactions grouped by category. It’s a good way of scanning to see if your purchases were categorized correctly. You can drag and drop any item from one category to another.

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