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Leadership Axioms

Leadership Axiom Notes April 2021.pdf
Leadership Axiom Notes April 2021.pdf
2.2 MB

Lead from the front. [1]

The difference between critics and leaders is where they sit: leaders are in the front row setting examples, critics are in the cheap seats lobbing opinions. Leaders DEMONSTRATE what they DESIRE by going first, because they understand, “As we go, so goes the church.” If we walk, they’ll crawl. If we run, they’ll walk. So leaders sprint.

We choose Leaders based on character and results. [3]

We do not choose leaders like GM. We don’t care if your 65 or 25, if you’ve been here for 2 months or 2 decades. We care about character and results. (Have they built something?)

You can get fired for doing ministry. [3]

When God called you into church leadership, he called you out of ministry and into “eqipping the saints for the work of ministry.” We don’t pay people to do ministry. We pay people to lead teams.

Jesus > Church > Individual. [1]

When making any decision our order of priorities is what’s obedient to Jesus, what’s best for the church as a whole, then what’s best for our team (ministry, campus, etc), THEN what’s best for an individual. Leaders readily support decisions that are BAD for their team, ministry, or campus but GOOD for the church, because they act on behalf of the entire church, not just their team, ministry, or campus. They do not compromise what’s best for an entire team to avoid hurting 1 person’s feelings. Make the hard decision, then carry it out in the gentlest way.

Be mean about the culture. [1]

We hire, coach, and promote to the Lakepointe leadership behaviors, and

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