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Contacts & Mentorship

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Mentor Meeting Notes

Keep track of general notes, key takeaways, and action items of mentor meetings
Notes for each mentor are organized from most to least recent. You can add new meeting notes for an existing mentor with the “+” on the bottom right.
To add cards for a new mentor:
Copy and paste the [New Mentor] Table
When Coda introduces a button function to add a template or duplicate a table, this button will be changed to make it easier to add a new mentor:
New Mentor
If you’re comfortable using templates, create a new template in your workspace and paste in the [New Mentor] table. After, you can just press slash (/) and type “New Mentor” to add a new mentor table.
Sarah Sugar
Get feedback
Talk through things
General Notes
There were certain things she would not compromise on (must-haves) vs nice-to-haves - making a list is a good idea
For her, people was a must-have (I agree!)
Startup roles always have roles posted/up to date - check website, Twitter, Insta in addition to LinkedIn
Key Takeaways
Cold reaching out never hurts, as long as the message is well-written and short
Action Items
Update website
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[New Mentor]
General Notes
Key Takeaways
Action Items

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