Development Planning Sessions


Atlan Kin who joined into the Charrette together:
Norm, Holly, La, Ryan, William, Niema, Eilidh, Andrew, Julie, ,Odessa, Roxanne, Steve, Lindy,Oma, Eric, Bill, Franny, Derek (editing with bold italics followed by -DG)

Canopy Viewpoint for Observation
Use “Out Building” vernacular
Detail relative to Size:
50-100 regularly present
Up to 200 for special events

Concern about spraying in the gas line easement
Livestock grazing:::goats~!

Idea: Put signs on the land indicating placement of things so people can see what is planned while walking about.

Send a letter to Yakima Nation & to all of our neighbors to let people know of our intentions before they get a letter from the state, There is an outpost in Husum for Yakima Nation. (Jeanette is a non-native resources employee of the Yakima nation who is active in SHARE the River and would be a good contact to advise on approach, tone, major players. I, and others here, have worked with her in the recent past. She's based at the Husum office- DG)
Fire Dept, know where help comes from: White Salmon and Husum (facilities this size typically are required or at least advised to have basic large hoses on hand, a plan, and some very basic rehearsals- DG)
More Water Storage in Various Places on the land (possibility of a holding pond? Perhaps with evaporation reducing floating cover? This would bring in ALL the fisheries, River restoration, state water folks and is likely a pain but just a thought… I bet Ag use/designation clears hurdles- DG)
We might need a Road Upgrade to handle the numbers of people (Is it possible to consolidate parking as much as possible? -DG)
Idea: Host an Open House for our local community to get them involved and on our side…. (Possibly utilize kin members to be ‘ambassadors’ prepped with key points and goals to spread the message and let our ethos and goals “seed” throughout the communities we are all a part of independent of Atlan -DG)
(CONLA very successfully used a member produced video shared online to advance the recent land purchase proposal and SHARE the River did as well encouraging stewardship of the White Salmon. Atlan might benefit from same -DG)
Sustainable Community Examples: there is a potential for farming and being totally self sufficient
Food Coop and Store
Financial Question of sustainability: : Generative Businesses~!! (How is it all financed now? What's the financial picture? -DG)
Ownership Models are diverse and changing
What do we want to add to the Map?
Stage and Amphitheater for small music events and other shows

Wellness Center~!
Green Burial Site needs to be placed
(Oma mentioned Windward and how they are licensed for Green Burial and have magnetic generators, Phoenix is also researching these….)
(Windward jumped through a serious decade of county, state, and federal hurdles to finally accomplish this…Good news is a roadmap exists and county officials are now familiar with the concept -DG)
Playground needs to be place
Plant Nursery: winter greenhouse
Mushroom demo sites, shitake logs
School for kids, an outdoor school
Hot Springs Here? (Drill baby, drill! -DG)
Wind Power
Mention of Solar Panels and Water Catchment:::;come later in the planning
House of Atlan Introduced as having spaces for people to live….Who wants to live there? (What IS Atlan house? What is it all about? Is it another kinnecter? A communal gathering space separate from other gathering spaces which might be more public/program oriented? -DG)
What about people who have dogs and cats? (People have pets/companions and those people are vigorous in choosing/advocating for space for them. How can we accommodate yet also respect present wildlife/environment and goals? -DG)
What will the parameters be for people wanting to live there? (This whole question seems to be something equity folks are mulling? A brief explanation of Atlans formal and informal power structures and a condensation of the overall ethos and goals is something that would help newbies like me learn how to fit in and help Atlan. It seems fairly nebulous to me, which is cool, but I don't quite have a handle on it -DG)

Bring ideas--use the Kin Folder
(What is the overarching extent of our dreams? I know what Atlan IS, kinda. But can we envision it materialized yet also not let that become ossified? All those other entities are going to want certain certainties, too. Ideally, unlimited dreams and possibilities. But it sometimes helps to see and or draw some flexible boundaries so we don't all go a million different directions and dilute our energies or just become an unfocused amoeba. I recognize that's what y'all have BEEN doing and appreciate being invited to the Charette which is exactly the process I'm talking about.
Can we have a Swimming hole?! -DG)
I’ll second that one(SR)
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