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10 Feature Prioritization Methods

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Scrum Stuff

Scrum Hierarchy

Theme (measured in months 🎚)
Initiative (measured in months 🎚). A high-level strategic goal or objective that an organization wants to achieve. It represents a large-scale effort that typically requires multiple projects or initiatives to realize.
Epic (measured in WEEKS 🎛). A large piece of work or a feature that delivers significant value. It is usually broken down into multiple user stories.
Story (measured in DAYS ⏰). A small, manageable piece of work that delivers value to the end user. It represents a specific user requirement or feature that needs to be implemented.
Task (measured in HOURS ⏲). A specific action or assignment that needs to be completed within a sprint. It is often a smaller unit of work that contributes to the completion of a story.
Sub-Task (measured in HOURS ⏲). A more granular level of work that is part of a larger task. It represents a smaller unit of work that needs to be accomplished within a task.


Ticket Type
Implementation Priority
Urgent ⚫️
High 🔴
Normal 🟡
Low 🟢
MoSCoW Priority
Must-Have 🧡
Should-Have 💚
Could-Have 💙
Won’t-Have 🖤
Story Points (defined by the Engineer)
1 ⭐️ (Minimum effort + A few minutes + Little complexity)
2 ⭐️ (Minimum effort + A few hours + Little complexity)
3 ⭐️ (Mild effort + A day + Low complexity)
5 ⭐️ (Moderate effort + A few days + Medium complexity)
8 ⭐️ (Severe effort + A week + Medium complexity)
13 ⭐️ (Maximum effort + A few weeks + High complexity)
T-Shirt Size (defined by the Product)
XS 👕 (Few hours + 1 Person + Very low cost)
S 👕 (Few days + 1-2 Persons + Low cost)
M 👕 (Few days + 3-5 Persons + Medium cost)
L 👕 (Few weeks + 6-10 Persons + Medium cost)
XL 👕 (Few weeks + 11-20 Persons + High cost)
XXL 👕 (Few months + 30 Persons + Very High cost)
Due Date


User story
As a [type of user], I want to [perform some task] so that I can [achieve some goal].
User Acceptance Criteria
Given that [some context], when [some action is carried out], then [a set of observable outcomes should occur].
Scenario – the name for the behavior that will be described
Given – the beginning state of the scenario
When – specific action that the user makes
Then – the outcome of the action in “When”
And – used to continue any of three previous statements
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