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40 Useful Self-Management Hacks to Master Your Time

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Self-Management Hacks to Master my Time

Go down each item on this list
Check the box if the statement is "true"
If it’s "not true" and you want to improve on it and manage yourself like a rock star, plan when you want to work on improving it.
I will improve this

I can concentrate on getting one thing done at a time, and avoid "task-hopping."

I will improve this

I start and end meetings on time, and don't get sidetracked or allow the meeting agenda to get hijacked.

I will improve this

I am prepared to be assertive, set boundaries, and say "no" to people when I need to, so my time is protected.

I will improve this

I set specific deadlines for everything, and I stick to them.

I will improve this

I schedule personal and low-priority business calls during windows of time when my energy level is at its lowest.

I will improve this

I am realistic about what I can get done, allowing myself the time I need for tasks.

I will improve this

I take breaks to refresh and recharge myself when I need them.

I will improve this

I identify the times of the day when I'm most productive and focus my energy on doing the most important things during those times.

I will improve this

I prioritize effectively, being clear about which tasks need to be done ahead of others.

I will improve this

I delegate to free up time and ensure that I do only what I should.

I will improve this

I focus on what I can control and don't waste time worrying or thinking about things I can't.

I will improve this

I don't procrastinate. I'm conscious about being a "do-it-now" person.

I will improve this

I keep my energy levels high through exercising, eating right, getting rest, and paying attention to those things that either give me energy or drain my energy.

I will improve this

I think positively. When I think of negative things, my energy and productivity drop, but maintaining a positive attitude does wonders for my productivity.

I will improve this

I am aware of time-wasters, so that when I'm fully conscious of wasting time or not maximizing the use of my time, I correct this.

I will improve this

I learn from others' management skills so that I can improve my own.

I will improve this

I am strict about allowing visitors to drop in, or distracting phone calls to interfere with my "in the zone" time.

I will improve this

I don't get overwhelmed easily because I break down larger goals into smaller goals and tasks that can be easily accomplished.

I will improve this

I am very aware of time efficiency -- where I spend my time and how much time I spend on specific tasks.

I will improve this

I avoid, as often as I can, meetings that are not a good use of my time.

I will improve this

I don't procrastinate by putting off tasks I find unpleasant or difficult in favor of easier things.

I will improve this

I am always on time for meetings and appointments.

I will improve this

I schedule specific blocks of time to return phone calls and emails, and avoid doing it sporadically throughout the day.

I will improve this

I am able to distinguish more urgent and important tasks from those I can delegate or put off.

I will improve this

I maintain a healthy work-life balance and rarely bring work home.

I will improve this

I focus on things that matter, both long and short term, that will advance my company's mission or my own purpose in life.

I will improve this

I finish a task before I move on to the next one.

I will improve this

I have supportive and responsible work friends and colleagues who help ease the pressure.

I will improve this

I create a clearly outlined action plan to clarify everything I need to do to achieve a specific goal, with measures in place so I know I'm on track.

I will improve this

I stay focused and on task by starting each day reviewing my goals.

I will improve this

I keep a prioritized daily to-do list, as it removes the guesswork from how to spend my time and with whom to spend it.

I will improve this

I do what requires the most discipline first.

I will improve this

I devote an hour on Sunday to plan and mentally prepare for the upcoming week.

I will improve this

I let other people know my schedule in advance so they can schedule their time accordingly in case I need their help to do something for me.

I will improve this

I keep a notepad or recorder handy to capture future to-do items and tasks when I think of them.

I will improve this

I only touch things once. When I read an email, I reply immediately. When I open a letter, I either shred it or act on it. At home, rather than cluttering dishes in the sink, I put them in the dishwasher. I make it a habit to never touch things more than once.

I will improve this

I turn off unnecessary notifications that become more disruptive than helpful. If it diverts my attention and interrupts me constantly, I turn it off.

I will improve this

I limit checking emails to two or three times a day (unless my business requires that I monitor it consistently). I've realized that constantly checking and returning emails is a time waster.

I will improve this

I limit the amount of time I spend on social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) and will allocate the appropriate amount of time to use it during business hours.

I will improve this

I don't start side projects that I'm not committed to finishing. I always determine what's involved and identify the amount of time that it will take to do it with excellence. Otherwise, I won't take it on.

I will improve this
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Now I ask you: Which of these will you practice moving forward?
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