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Dream 11_Assignment
Social Game Play - Prompt

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Gap 1 - Lack of Social Engagement

Problem Statement: In the present offering, I’m not able to connect with other users:
who support the same team as mine 🏴
who are in my vicinity (city or state) 🏙️
who follow the same tournament as mine 🏆
who are my contacts 📞
who are at experts of the game 🥼
How big is this gap ?
~ 72% (N~322) users seek fun and excitement while playing on Dream 11. Giving them more visibility on how other users are interacting with the platform will not only add to the fun and excitement quotient but will also enhance user’s connection with the sports (~42% play FS to remain connected with sport).
Assuming ~75% users across all the 4 previously defined user personas will derive value from this feature. 95 million (~0.75*.7*.180) users will be impacted on solving this gap
High Level Solution
Dream 11 community will empower users to connect, compete and collaborate with like minded users. This feature will enhance social offering and give a sense of community among the users so that they stay loyal to Dream 11”
As a user:
I should be able to view and follow my contacts (only those who have made their profile public) so that I can participate in private contest
I should be able to send chat request to my contacts so that I can discuss game tactics with my friend
I should be able to follow my team’s community so that I stay updated about my team’s latest developments
I should be able to follow groups that are popular in my locality
I should be able to check the popular contest within the group so that I can participate with like minded users
I should be able to check group level leaderboard so that I’m motivated to participate regularly in the contests
I should be able to check the merchandise of my favorite team so that I can show my support to my team
I should be able to check the playing arena near my vicinity so that I can play physical sports events with my group member
I should be able to follow Dream 11 experts so that I can get tips on creating the most optimized teams ()
The current page does not mimic the usual chat interfaces like Whatsapp, FB messenger etc. Hence there is slight a dissonance in the UX
I see some random users in my chat feed. They are arranged in descending order of their skill score. If I want to earn money, why would I play with strangers who are top players?
Introducing a new ‘Community’ page that has your chats, public groups & phone book contacts. Chat to be a part of the community page
New Wireframe 1.png
Similar to chats, the public groups will have a listing page and the individual group page. Depending on the group type (Team, Experts or your neighborhood). The group page will have following sections:
Forum for discussion and updates
Popular contests among the group member
Popular Merchandise from Fancode (incase of Team’s page)
Nearby sports arena (incase of Location specific groups)
Group Leaderboard
New Wireframe 2 (1).png
Success metrics
The W1 retention, # of sessions and average session time should double by introducing this feature. Proposed hypothesis is that users are likely to increase their participation by 50% after introduction of these features.
Hence this feature will be successful if we have achieved the below revenue;
Monthly Revenue Impact = Total users reached * % Paid users * Average transaction per game per user*Average game played per user per month
~ 95* 0.2 * 50 * (0.5*4) = INR 1520 mil per month

These are tentative numbers. Calculation can be done on actuals with the same hypothesis

Feature wise success metrics
Enhanced chat view
% of users initiating chats
% read rate of chat messages
Clicks on community tab per user
Click on community tab per session
Contact Connects
Number of users joined through chat invites (D/W/M)
Number of chats initiated through contacts
% users initiated chat through contacts
% users joined at least one group
Group wise and group type wise click rate on join button
Groups - Discussion
Number of discussions initiated group wise and group type wise (D/W/M)
Group wise and group type wise comments CTR on post
Group wise and group type wise likes CTR on post
Groups - Contests
Number of users joining group contests (D/W/M)
Group wise and group type wise join rates
Groups - Merchandise
Number of users purchasing merchandise through (D/W/M)
Group wise and group type wise join rates
There are no rows in this table
Future Scope
Group creation through platform by FS enthusiasts
Group Marketplaces: Improving monetization through cross-selling of team merchandise (Fancode offering)and booking of play arena (Khelo more)

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