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Dream 11_Assignment
Social Game Play - Prompt

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Gap 3 - Lack of In-Platform Information and Insights:

Problem Statement: Researching about players, teams, playing condition etc. and coming up with the most optimum team is an important aspect of FS user’s engagement journey. Moreover ~40% users seek to remain connected with the sports through participating in Fantasy sports. However users have to follow multiple influencers across platforms to gain this information
Reports suggests that highest % of time is spent on collecting sports info from various channel by the FS users
Growing community of FS experts across multiple platform list some of these experts) indicates the need of providing comprehensive in-platform expert analysis so that users don’t go outside platform for these research
How big is this gap ?
~ 40% (N~322) use FS to stay connected with the sport. All the previously defined user group seek information to improve their chances of winning. Hence ~50 million (~0.4*.7*.180) users will be impacted by solving this gap
High Level solution
Introducing community of ‘Dream 11 Gurus’ where FS experts can directly connect with users, share tips, conduct contests and gain monetary benefits from the community in return. Initially the Dream 11 guru community can be handpicked from interested power users and celebrities and Later the platform should have the capability to register and review potential Dream 11 Gurus through their social presence
As a dream 11 guru, I should be able to:
Register myself on the Dream 11 platform and showcase my reach on different social media platforms
Create discussion forums on my social group
Create contest and achieve cash rewards as users join the contest
Regulate leaderboard on my social groups
achieve appropriate medals based on follower count, engagement on the posts and number of users joining my contests
Dream 11 Guru Community page:
New Wireframe 4 (1).png

Success metrics
This is a purely retention feature. Hence we should see 20% increase in W1 retention across all user groups
Feature Metrics
% users joined at least one Dream 11 Guru group
Dream 11 Group wise join rate
Groups - Discussion
Number of discussions initiated group wise (D/W/M)
Group wise CTR on posts
Group wise comments per post
Group wise wise likes per post
Groups - Contests
Number of users joining Guru contests (D/W/M)
Group wise join rates
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