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For Registered Training Organizations (RTOs) in 2024, creating a compelling and effective course webpage is crucial for attracting and converting users. Here are the essential elements and best practices to consider when designing a course webpage:

Must Haves, Industry Standards and Best Practices


Compliance Information

As an RTO, it's essential to include compliance information such as your RTO code, CRICOS code (for international students), and any relevant accreditation details. This assures potential students of the legitimacy and recognized quality of your courses.

Clear Navigation

Ensure the webpage is easy to navigate with a user-friendly interface. This should include a clear menu structure that directs users to important sections like course details, enrollment procedures, FAQs, and contact information.
Detailed Course Information
Provide comprehensive details about the course, including duration, delivery mode (online, in-person, blended), course content, learning outcomes, assessment methods, entry requirements, and any pathways to further education or career opportunities.
Call to Action (CTA)
Prominent CTA buttons like "Enroll Now", "Apply Here", or "Download Course Guide" are crucial. These should be visible and repeated across the page to encourage user action.
Contact Information
Easy access to contact options such as a phone number, email address, or an online chat service. This is vital for potential students who may have questions or need assistance.

Industry Standards

Mobile Optimization
Ensure the website is fully responsive and provides a seamless experience on mobile devices. A significant portion of users will access your site via smartphones or tablets.
SEO Best Practices
Utilize search engine optimization (SEO) strategies to improve your visibility on search engines. This includes using relevant keywords, optimizing meta tags and descriptions, and ensuring fast load times.
The webpage should be accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. This means adhering to Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), such as providing text alternatives for non-text content, making all functionality available from a keyboard, and more.

Best Practices

Social Proof
Include testimonials, case studies, and success stories from former students. This builds credibility and trust with prospective learners.
Interactive Elements
Use interactive elements like videos, virtual tours, and infographics to engage users more deeply. Videos of instructors or past students discussing the course can be particularly persuasive.
Frequent Updates
Regularly update the course page with the latest information about course offerings, upcoming sessions, and any changes in policy or curriculum. This helps keep the content fresh and relevant.
Analytics and Feedback
Implement tools to track user behavior on the webpage and gather feedback through surveys or feedback forms. This data can be invaluable in optimizing the page to better meet the needs of prospective students.
Security Features
Ensure that the website is secure, especially if it handles sensitive information like personal details and payment data. Use SSL certificates and comply with privacy laws.

Common features of user-friendly educational websites

User-friendly educational websites are designed to enhance the learning experience while ensuring accessibility and engagement. Here are some common features that contribute to their effectiveness:

1. Clear and Intuitive Navigation

Simple Layout: Websites should have a clean, uncluttered layout that makes it easy to find information.
Logical Structure: Menus and sub-menus should be organized logically, allowing users to intuitively understand how to navigate through the site.

2. Responsive Design

Mobile Compatibility: The site must work seamlessly across different devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
Adaptive Elements: Images, videos, and text should adjust to fit different screen sizes without losing quality or readability.

3. Accessibility

WCAG Compliance: Websites should comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), ensuring that they are accessible to people with disabilities.
Text-to-Speech: Features like text-to-speech for visually impaired users help make content more accessible.

4. Engaging Multimedia Content

Videos and Animations: These can help explain complex concepts more clearly and keep users engaged.
Interactive Elements: Tools such as quizzes, sliders, or interactive diagrams that users can manipulate.

5. High-Quality Content

Well-Structured Information: Content should be well-organized and easy to digest. Course material should be broken down into manageable sections or modules.
Regular Updates: Content should be regularly updated to ensure it remains current and relevant.

6. Effective Search Functionality

Robust Search Features: A powerful search function helps users quickly find specific topics or resources they need.
Filters and Sort Options: Advanced search options to filter results by different criteria, such as course level, duration, or subject area.

7. Personalization

User Profiles: Allow users to create profiles where they can track their progress, save courses, and receive personalized recommendations.
Adaptive Learning Paths: Courses that adapt based on the learner's progress and performance.

8. Social Learning Features

Discussion Forums: Spaces where students can interact with each other and with instructors, fostering a community of learning.
Peer Feedback and Collaboration: Tools that facilitate group projects and peer-to-peer feedback.

9. Secure and Reliable

Data Security: Implementation of strong security measures to protect user data, including secure login processes and data encryption.
Uptime and Reliability: Ensuring the website has minimal downtime and operates smoothly, providing a reliable learning environment.

10. Comprehensive Support and Help Resources

FAQs and Help Sections: Easily accessible information to help users troubleshoot common issues or questions.
Customer Support: Live chat, email, and phone support options for more direct assistance.
These features collectively improve the usability, accessibility, and overall user experience of educational websites, making them more effective as learning platforms.

Clear Navigation

Homepage Layout

Top Navigation Bar

This should include primary categories such as "Courses," "Industries," "About Us," and "Contact Us." Each category could have a dropdown menu that further categorizes the offerings. For instance, under "Courses," there could be sub-categories like "Construction," "Hospitality," and "Health," each leading to its respective course listings.

Search Bar

Positioned prominently at the top of the homepage, enabling quick search by course name, industry, or keyword. This allows users who know what they are looking for to bypass navigation menus for faster results.

Visual Indicators

Use icons and images next to text links to help visually guide users. For example, a hard hat icon could represent construction courses, a cocktail glass for hospitality courses, and a cross for health courses.

Course Page

Filter Options

On the course listing pages, provide filters such as "Certification Type," "Duration," "Course Level," and "Location" to help users refine their search based on specific needs or constraints.

Quick Info

Each course listing should have a "Quick Info" button that when hovered over or clicked, displays key information like course duration, prerequisites, and a brief summary without needing to navigate away from the page

Accessibility Features

Breadcrumb Navigation

Implementing breadcrumb links at the top of each page helps users track their navigation path and easily return to previous pages without using the back button.

Responsive Design

Ensure the navigation system works seamlessly on both desktop and mobile devices. Menus should be easy to expand or collapse on smaller screens, and touch elements should be adequately sized for tapping.

Footer Navigation

Include links to important pages that are not highlighted in the main navigation, such as "Terms of Service," "Privacy Policy," and "FAQs." This is also a good place for social media links and a brief site map.

Analytics and Feedback

Analytics and Feedback are critical components for optimizing and enhancing the effectiveness of a course webpage. Let's delve deeper into how RTOs can leverage these tools:

Analytics Implementation

Analytics involve using tools to track, report, and analyze website traffic and user behavior. Here are some key practices:

Google Analytics

This is a fundamental tool that helps you understand how users interact with your website. It can provide insights into which pages are the most visited, how long users stay on specific pages, and what actions they take.


Tools like Hotjar or Crazy Egg can provide heatmaps of your course webpage. Heatmaps show where users are clicking, how far they are scrolling, and what parts of the page they are focusing on. This can help identify which areas attract more attention and which are ignored.

Conversion Tracking

Set up conversion tracking to monitor how many users complete specific actions like signing up for a newsletter, downloading a course guide, or enrolling in a course. This helps in understanding the effectiveness of your CTAs and overall page layout.

User Feedback

Gathering direct feedback from users can provide insights that are not always evident through analytics alone. Here are some strategies:

Surveys and Polls

Integrating short surveys or polls directly on your course webpage or sending them via email to prospective or current students can provide direct feedback on their needs and experiences.

Usability Testing

This involves recruiting participants to complete specific tasks on your website while observing their behavior and listening to their feedback. This can uncover usability issues that might not be obvious but can significantly impact user experience.

Feedback Forms

Include a simple feedback form on your course pages where users can report issues, make suggestions, or express their satisfaction. This makes users feel valued and can provide real-time insights into user experience.

Data-Driven Decisions

The ultimate goal of using analytics and gathering feedback is to make informed decisions to improve the user experience and course page performance:

Optimize User Journey

Use the insights from analytics and feedback to streamline the navigation, make information more accessible, and remove any friction points that could deter potential students.

Content Improvement

Adjust the content based on what users find useful or lacking. This could involve expanding sections that receive a lot of positive feedback or revising those that are causing confusion.

A/B Testing

Regularly test different versions of your webpage (such as different layouts, CTAs, or content presentations) to see which performs better in terms of user engagement and conversion rates.
By effectively implementing analytics and actively seeking user feedback, RTOs can continually refine their course webpages to better meet the needs of their users, thereby enhancing user satisfaction and potentially increasing course enrollments.

Feedback Tools

Selecting the right software for collecting user feedback is crucial as it directly affects the quality of insights you can gather to enhance your course offerings and website user experience. Here are several highly recommended tools that cater to different aspects of user feedback collection:

1. Survey Tools

SurveyMonkey: A versatile tool that allows you to create detailed surveys. It offers various question types, logic branching, and pre-built templates which make it ideal for extensive course feedback surveys.
Typeform: Known for its user-friendly interface and design, Typeform makes surveys feel less formal and more conversational, which can help increase completion rates.

2. Feedback Widgets

Qualaroo: This tool can be embedded directly into your website and is great for capturing real-time feedback. It allows you to ask users specific questions based on their interactions on your site.
UserVoice: UserVoice integrates easily into your website to collect and organize feedback directly from users, providing a platform for managing and prioritizing these insights.

3. Usability Testing

Hotjar: Offers heatmaps, session recordings, and usability surveys. It's particularly useful for visualizing how users interact with your website, identifying problematic areas, and testing user satisfaction. Provides live moderated usability testing with users, allowing you to observe user interactions and ask questions in real time, which can be invaluable for gathering detailed feedback on user experience.

4. Net Promoter Score (NPS) and Customer Satisfaction (CSAT)

Delighted: A tool that makes it easy to send NPS, CSAT, and other survey types via email, SMS, or directly on your website. It’s straightforward and can integrate with other tools to automate feedback collection.
AskNicely: Focused on NPS, this tool automates real-time feedback collection and provides insights based on customer responses, helping you gauge overall satisfaction and loyalty.

5. Enterprise Feedback Management

Medallia: Offers comprehensive solutions for large organizations to capture feedback across multiple channels, integrate it with other data sources, and analyze it for actionable insights.
Qualtrics: Provides powerful survey functionality and analytics, ideal for complex data collection needs and deep analysis. It’s particularly good for educational institutions that need robust data handling and integration capabilities.

6. Visual Feedback

Miro: While primarily a visual collaboration tool, Miro can be used to gather feedback visually on digital content including website designs and course materials.
InVision: Great for receiving feedback on designs, InVision allows users to comment directly on visuals, making it useful for reviewing web page layouts or graphic content.

Choosing the Right Tool

When selecting a feedback tool, consider the following:
Integration: The tool should integrate seamlessly with your existing tech stack.
Ease of Use: Both for your team and the end-users. A complex tool might discourage users from completing surveys.
Scalability: Choose a tool that can grow with your needs as your RTO expands.
Cost: Ensure the tool provides value for money and fits within your budget.
By employing these tools effectively, you can gain valuable insights into your users' experiences and preferences, which can guide improvements in your courses and overall user experience on your website.

Conversion Improvements

Improving conversion rates on an RTO website like Edway Training involves optimizing various elements of the website and user experience to encourage more visitors to enroll in courses. Here are several strategies that can help achieve this:

Optimize Course Landing Pages

Clear Call-to-Action (CTA)

Ensure that each course page has a prominent, clear call to action, such as "Enroll Now" or "Download Course Brochure." The CTA button should stand out in color and size.

Course Benefits

Highlight the benefits and outcomes of the course prominently. What will the student gain from completing the course? How does it advance their career?

Testimonials and Reviews

Include testimonials and reviews from former students to build credibility and trust. Real-life success stories can significantly influence potential students' decisions.

Simplify the Enrollment Process

Streamlined Forms

Keep the registration or enrollment forms as simple as possible. Only request essential information to reduce the hassle and potential friction.

Multi-Step Forms

If detailed information is necessary, consider using multi-step forms with progress indicators to keep users engaged without overwhelming them at once.

Use Live Chat and FAQs

Live Support

Implement a live chat feature to answer any queries potential students might have in real time. This immediate interaction can help clear doubts and push towards the enrollment decision.


Provide a detailed FAQ section that addresses common concerns and questions about courses, certifications, requirements, and more.

Leverage Retargeting Strategies

Email Campaigns

Use email marketing to follow up with visitors who have shown interest but did not complete the enrollment. Personalize the emails with the courses they viewed or provide special offers.

Retargeting Ads

Implement retargeting ads that appear to users who have visited your site but left without enrolling. These ads should remind them of the courses they viewed and offer incentives to return.

Optimize for Mobile

Mobile-Friendly Design

Ensure the website is fully responsive and that the mobile experience is seamless. Many users will access the site from mobile devices, and a poor mobile experience can deter potential enrollments.

A/B Testing

Experiment with Different Elements

Regularly test different versions of your landing pages, CTAs, and other key components to see which versions perform the best in terms of converting visitors to students.

Offer Incentives

Discounts and Offers

Occasionally offer discounts or bundled course offers to entice sign-ups. Limited-time offers can create a sense of urgency.

Enhance Trust Signals

Accreditations and Certifications

Clearly display any accreditations and certifications that affirm the credibility and recognition of your courses.
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