Research Findings
2. Local Government Authority
Department of Health
In Victoria, the course is regulated by the Department of Health.
Affected businesses in Australia need to meet a new food safety standard in the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code (the Code) from 8 December 2023.
There are three food safety management tools in the Standard:
Tool 1: food handler training
Tool 2: food safety supervisor (FSS)
Tool 3: substantiation of critical food safety controls
All class 1 and most class 2 premises must have a food safety supervisor. There are some exceptions (refer to the Food safety supervisors and training Guide for food businesses (June 2022). must have a food safety supervisor. All class 2 community groups are exempt from this requirement if the ‘proprietor’ is a community group, they trade for no more than two consecutive days at a time and most of the ‘staff’ are volunteers.
Class 3 and Class 4 food businesses only handle lower-risk foods and are not required to have a food safety supervisor. However, the food business owner must ensure that staff members have the skills and knowledge they need to safely handle food in their work roles.
By a declaration under s. 19C of the Act, the proprietor of a food premises must ensure there is a food safety supervisor for their premises.
The food safety supervisor must:
have completed accredited food safety training for the food sector that they are currently working in. Every food safety supervisor must complete the relevant training for their food sector. If they have successfully completed this training, the RTO will provide them with a ‘Statement of Attainment’ stating the units of competency for the training they completed.
The food safety supervisor must be able to produce their Statement of attainment if requested to do so by the local environmental health officer. If a Statement of Attainment cannot be produced, then a staff member must complete accredited training for the relevant food sector.
A food safety supervisor can obtain a Statement of Attainment in two ways:
Minimum competency standards
There is no Victorian requirement for a food safety supervisor to undertake training beyond the minimum competencies listed in the following sections. However, there may be industry or organisation-based standards in addition to the requirements outlined under the Act. Past training qualifications
Food safety supervisors who completed training under previous codes do not usually need to train again in the current code.
Your previous training, knowledge and experience may be recognised by an RTO when you apply for recognition of prior learning and recognition of current competency. This means that you may not have to repeat all training. You will only need to complete further training in the areas where you do not have the required skills and knowledge. Minimum competency standards:
Food processing
Businesses such as food product manufacturers, including flour mills, canneries, packers, bakers, breweries and wineries.
Minimum competency standard: FBPFSY2002 Apply food safety procedures Retail
Businesses such as supermarkets, convenience stores, grocers, and delicatessens.
Minimum competency standard: SIRRFSA001 Handle food safety in a retail environment
OR Use both units from the ‘Hospitality’ section below. Hospitality
Businesses such as restaurants, cafes and hotels.
Minimum competency standard: SITXFSA005 Use hygienic practices for food safety, SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
OR use the unit from the Retail sector. Health
Businesses such as hospitals.
Minimum competency standard: HLTFSE001 ‘Follow basic food safety practices (Release 1), HLTFSE005 Apply and monitor food safety requirements (Release 1), HLTFSE007 Oversee the day-to-day implementation of food safety in the workplace (Release 1) Community services
Businesses such as childcare service centres, nursing homes, hostels and .
Minimum competency standard: use all three units from the health sector. Transport and distribution
Businesses such as warehouses.
Minimum competency standard: use the training from the previously mentioned sector that best describes the warehouse purpose. For example, choose Hospitality if your warehouse supplies businesses such as restaurants, cafes and hotels. Type of food business and class
Requirements for meeting Standard 3.2.2A in Victoria
3. Other RTOs