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Food Supervisor VIC

Last edited 322 days ago by Andrey Petrushko


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Course Information

Short Code

Course Description

Accreditation and Approval Details

Delivering RTO:
RTO Number:
Course Code:
Course Name:
Local Government Authority:
Approval Required:
Local Government Approval Link:
Missing RTO
ASQA Course Link:
Missing Acreditation
Government Approval Link:
Missing Government Approval
Course PDF: [upload file]

Delivery Details

Delivering Method:
Delivering State:

Location Online:
Missing Delivering Method
Location 1:
Location 1 Address:
Update Formula
Location 2:
Location 2 Address:
Update Formula
Location 3:
Location 3 Address:
Update Formula

Certification and Accreditation

Issued by:
[ ]

Prerequisite Training Requirement

Prerequisite Training:
Prerequisite Course Code:
Prerequisite Course Name:
Prerequisite Course ASQA Link:
Missing Acreditation

Superseded Course Details

Superseding Info:
Superseded Course Code:
Superseded Course Name:
Superseded Course ASQA Link:
Missing Acreditation

Links and Files

Food safety supervisors and training. Guide for food businesses (June 2022)
Open Link
Introducing Standard 3.2.2A: Food safety management tools
Open Link
Unit of Competency: SITXFSA006 Participate in safe food handling practices
Open Link
Food safety supervisors
Open Link

Learning Outcomes

Bullet points listing what students will be able to do or understand upon completing the course. These should be specific, measurable outcomes that resonate with prospective students' goals.

Course Content/Syllabus

A detailed syllabus or module breakdown, showing topics covered in the course. If possible, include the duration or effort required for each section to help students plan their schedules.

Delivery Mode

Clearly state whether the course is online, in-person, or hybrid. For online courses, mention if the content is live, pre-recorded, or a mix of both. Include technical requirements or platforms used.

Instructor Information

Profiles of the course instructors or facilitators, highlighting their qualifications, experience, and any relevant professional achievements. Personal stories or videos can make this section more engaging.

Certification and Accreditation

Details about the certification or accreditation students will receive upon completion. Explain how this certification can benefit the student's career or education path.

Fees and Payment Information

Clearly list the course fees, along with any available payment plans, discounts, or financial aid options.
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