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Brand Signatures

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Main Logo


LEC_Main Lockup 1.png
The main logo is the primary brand signature. It should be prioritized when applying the logo to different brand applications. Use the main logo for primary brand communications, especially those inside the different centers, e.g. medical forms, official documents, uniforms, signage etc.
The main logo is composed of the icon and the logotype. The icon is a refined version of the original 1994 LEC icon. The logotype is set in the font Fabriga Black.


Lockups are different configurations of the icon and logotype. Select the appropriate lockup based on layout and orientation considerations.



Use in center-aligned and/or horizontally-oriented layouts.


Use in left-aligned layouts and/or materials with limited horizontal space.



Use in center-aligned layouts and/or materials with limited horizontal space.

Flushed Left

LEC_Lockup-Flushed Left.png
Use in left-aligned layouts and/or materials with limited horizontal space.

Color Variations

LEC_Main Lockup - Colors1.png
LEC_Main Lockup - Colors2.png
This alternate version of the logo must always be used with the standard dark blue as a background (see color palette for more information).

Black & White

LEC_Main Lockup - BW.png
For applications with limited color use, this black and white version of the Main Lock-up should be used.

Clear Space & Minimum Size

Clear space is a space surrounding the logo set to ensure elements surrounding the logo will not overlap or obscure it. The clear space of the Main Logo is equal to the height of the pupil in the icon.
LEC_Clear Space ML.png
LEC_Min Size ML.png

The minimum size of the Main Logo is at a height of 0.35 inches. This is the smallest possible size that you can use this mark.


Avoid the following misuse cases for all lockups.
LEC_Misuse ML 1.png
Do not compress the logo when scaling.
LEC_Misuse ML 3.png
Do not shear the logo.
LEC_Misuse ML 5.png
Do not add any effects that skew the logos form or geometry.
LEC_Misuse ML 7.png
Do not add any gradients to the logo. Even if the colors are on brand.
LEC_Misuse ML 2.png
Do not stretch the logo when scaling.
LEC_Misuse ML 4.png
Do not slant the logo.
LEC_Misuse ML 6.png
Do not use colors or color combinations that are off brand.
LEC_Misuse ML 8.png
Do not add any embellishments to the logo such as drop shadows, bevels, glows, etc.

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