Entering college as a freshman can be one the most scariest things in the world. Living away from home, having to make new friends, do good in school, and keep a routine can be very difficult. For me as a freshman at Rutgers University, I found it very difficult to keep a routine and stay on top of my classes as well as extra curricular activities.
This daily planner in Coda, allows all students to plan their days effectively, keep track of their assignments, and also set goals they want to achieve throughout the semester. By planning things out, I found everyday to be almost like a checklist of things I wanted to get done and eventually my college career became a lot easier
page of this doc, you can take a look at your favorite Spotify playlist while studying, see your daily checklist, and also be reminded of your long term goals so you know what you’re striving for. In the
. Now you can take notes for all of your classes and store them in one place. Even if you don’t like typing notes, you can take pictures of handwritten notes and add them to your notes in Coda.
page, you can setup your classes and schedule before the semester starts by adding the different courses you may be taking and the professors you have. This will allow you to keep track of your professors, your credits, and your class schedules.