Heuristics and mental models

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Beware Feedback!

Beware of advice from people with no skin in the game, who will suffer no great discomfort if the advice they give you proves disastrous.

Take feedback from:

People with skin in the game
People who are domain experts in your industry who have taken risks in the past and have the battle scars to prove it
People who may be in different industries but have dealt with very similar scenarios and have the battle scars to prove it
Customers — especially PAYING customers

Do not take feedback from:

People who have never taken significant risks in the past — these people are terrible at assessing risk and the cost/benefit of their advice.
People who give feedback, especially sweeping and radical feedback, too quickly — this means they haven’t internalized the problem or the risks associated with their feedback.
People who talk like politicians — these people can’t empathize with your problem which means they haven’t actually been through shit or can’t/won’t talk openly about mistakes they have made in the past.
People whose feedback seems overly complicated — people with no skin in the game always seems to propose complex solutions since they have an incentive to seem sophisticated instead of just solving the problem quickly.

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