A resource for mastering workplace communication, covering presentations and interpersonal interactions.
Discover tips, articles, videos, and courses on crafting impactful presentations, engaging audiences, and fostering strong professional relationships.
Regardless of your experience level, these resources will help you become a more confident and effective communicator in the workplace.
Presentation Zen
Nancy Duarte uncovers common structure of greatest communicators
Why are some presentations spellbinding and some not? Well, this is the question Nancy Duarte takes on as she shares with the audience the secret of an excellent presentation. In this fascinating talk Nancy Duarte explains the model that she developed for designing transformative presentations. She explains the essential qualities of an excellent presentation by analyzing the speeches of Martin Luther King and Steve Jobs. She reminds us that the only way to spread important ideas is to make sure that one is communicating his or her ideas effectively using strong presentation skills.
How to Make Clear and Concise Points
Anne Ricketts of Lighthouse Communications provides some easy tips for how to make clear, concise, and persuasive points in meetings.
How to speak
Patrick Winston's How to Speak talk has been an MIT tradition for over 40 years. Offered every January, the talk is intended to improve your speaking ability in critical situations by teaching you a few heuristic rules.
Think Fast, Talk Smart
Communication is critical to success in business and in life. Concerned about an upcoming interview? Anxious about speaking up during a meeting? Learn and practice techniques that will help you speak spontaneously with greater confidence and clarity.