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HeadRace Recruiter FAQ
HeadRace Recruiter FAQ

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Working on HeadRace Opportunities

The guide to winning and working on new opportunities.

Preparing for your first opportunity

What are HeadRace opportunities?

The HeadRace business development team builds relationships with the world’s most exciting tech companies, eventually helping these companies connect with recruiters on HeadRace. Recruiters + companies work directly on HeadRace, creating opportunities for recruiters on HeadRace to earn by helping these companies make successful hires.

Who gets to work on HeadRace opportunities?

All recruiters on HeadRace have a chance to work on HeadRace opportunities. However, HeadRace’s matching algorithm prioritizes sharing attractive opportunities with recruiters who score high in our search query. Recruiters are able to improve their ranking in our system by providing more information on their historical placements.

Why is the recruiter profile so important?

Your recruiter profile is the single source of truth about your experience as a recruiter. The information provided in the profile powers our dynamic matching system, so the more information you provide, the more likely you’ll be matched to a new opportunity to earn.
For additional information, feel free to review the section of our FAQ.

How will I know when I receive my first opportunity?

While we cannot guarantee when exactly you’ll receive your first opportunity to earn, or necessarily what the opportunity will look like. What you can expect is to receive an email and Slack notification, indicating you have a new opportunity. At that point, it is up to you whether or not you choose to pursue this opportunity. Your ability to earn is also 100% contingent on your ability to deliver the services requested by the client.

How do I get more opportunities?

There are 3 ways to increase the number of opportunities available to you:
Add more placements to your recruiter profile. This increases your ranking in our matching algorithm and improves the likelihood to receive a new opportunity.
Invite your own clients and work with them on HeadRace. HeadRace is more than just a place to win new business — it is also a robust software platform that allows recruiters to conduct searches with their own clients. Making placements with your existing clients also results in more placements for your recruiter profile (see #1 above). And remember — any work performed with your own client is 100% free, no fees are paid whatsoever. See the section of the FAQ for more info.
Invite and work with friendly recruiters in your network. HeadRace is the first platform that allows 2 separate, independent recruiters to collaborate on a search in a dynamic fashion. If you or a friend has a search they would like to split, setting up a Collab on HeadRace is easy. Simply invite the client to HeadRace, sign the search agreement, invite+set split payment terms between you and your friendly recruiter partner, submit candidates, make a placement, and both get paid! See the section of the FAQ for more info.

Reviewing + working your first opportunity

How to view new opportunities

You will receive an email and Slack notification whenever you’ve been invited to participate in a new HeadRace opportunity to earn
Click the link in the email/Slack message or login to
Hover over the left sidebar and click on Marketplace
Click on Invites ​
Now you’ll see a feed of live opportunities that you have been invited to work on

Breaking down the role

Within the Marketplace tab, you will see a feed of opportunities. Each opportunity includes the following information:
Role title
Functional area
Description of the role
Expected salary
Placement fee (% for SCALE roles, fixed $ reward for Referral roles)
# candidates submitted so far
You can filter opportunities based on your functional areas of focus, the stage of company, the location of the role, and the seniority level of the role. Just use the Filters on the left-hand side.
Finally, the key action you need to take is to click the check mark to Add to My Roles, or click the thumb down to indicate you are Not Interested. Please note that it is important that you respond in a timely fashion to ensure engagement with the platform.

Evaluating the Ideal Candidate Checklist (aka role requirements)

Once you click into the role, you’ll be able to review the Ideal Candidate Checklist. This is sometimes referred to as “role requirements”, and essentially captures the “Must Haves” and “Nice to Haves” in any given candidate. Employers will specify these requirements and they will be unique to each opportunity.
For every candidate you submit, you will need to confirm whether that candidate meets the provided role requirements for that opportunity.
It is okay if candidates do not meet all of the requirements, but it is not acceptable to provide inaccurate information about a candidate.

Submitting/referring candidates

When you are ready to submit/refer your first candidate, simply navigate to the role (either via the Roles tab or Marketplace > My Roles), click into the role, and then Submit/Refer Candidate.
You will be asked to provide information pertaining to the candidate, including the following:
LinkedIn URL
Phone number
Justification — this is a required field where you share why this candidate is a good fit for this opportunity. Specificity and clarity is important here, and including placeholder/dummy text will result in fewer opportunities to earn.
Ideal Candidate Checklist — this is where you specify whether a given candidate does/does not meet the stated requirements for the role.

Candidate Interest Verification

Your candidate will need to their confirm interest to the role. We will send out a candidate confirmation email to your candidate’s email to confirm their interest. We strongly encourage you to tell your candidate to check their email once you submit them.
We will send 3 reminder emails. If your candidate does not confirm we will remove their submissions.
Once you have 8 candidates accepted across all roles, you will have the option to toggle off the candidate verification email and you can verify the candidates interest in the role yourself.

Ongoing candidate management

Depending on the type of opportunity you’re working on, the expectations around candidate management through the interview process will vary.
For Direct opportunities, you will be expected to be actively involved in the entire recruiting process, including managing the candidate through interviews and offer acceptance.
For Marketplace opportunities, the expectations will be similar, although a bit lower touch. Once a candidate is accepted to the role by the employer, employer+candidate+you will be connected via email. It will then be up to the employer as to how they’d like to involve you throughout the remainder of the process.
You can use the in app chat feature to try and get updates from the employer. But again, it is up to the employer as to how they’d like to involve you throughout the remainder of the process.

Communication with employers

While we all understand the importance of clear communication in every job, employers using HeadRace may intentionally structure a search to be relatively low-comms. This probably indicates that the employer has limited bandwidth and prefers to minimize any additional steps in the process.
To set expectations appropriately, here is generally how HeadRace opportunities shake out. Note that there may be exceptions to each, but this is what you should expect when working on any one of these given opportunities.
Recruiter Comms w/ Employers
Comms Details
Level of comms w/ employer
Extremely high. Active, real-time relationship
Medium. Some employers will want some comms, others won’t. Expect delays
Comms channels
Email required Slack required
Email required Slack optional
There are no rows in this table

Post-search reviews

After placing a candidate and completing a search, you will be prompted to write a brief review. These reviews are required and serve a critical role in keeping both sides of the HeadRace marketplace healthy.
Please complete your review of the employer within 72 hours of completing the search. The employer will be instructed to complete their review of you within the same timeframe.

Employer / Role Q&A Feature

What is the Employer/Role Q&A?

The Role Q&A feature is a tool designed to allow recruiters to ask employers and hiring managers specific questions about roles. This aims to foster better understanding of the role dossier, job requirements and ultimately create more transparency in the recruitment process. The goal of the Q&A tool is to improve understanding of the role.

How does the Role Q&A feature work?

Recruiters can use the Q&A feature to ask questions directly to employers. By default, these questions are visible to all recruiters added to the role, creating a communal knowledge base. However, the employer retains the option to answer questions privately if needed.

How should recruiters use the Q&A tool?

Recruiters should use the Q&A tool to ask thoughtful and relevant questions about the role that will help them identify suitable candidates. This feature should be used as a means of communication with the employer to better understand the requirements, expectations and details of the role.

Dos and Don'ts of the Q&A tool

Ask clarifying questions about the role requirements
Use professional and respectful language
Check if a similar question has been asked before to avoid repetition
Ask questions about specific candidates
Inquire about the status of a recruiter’s candidates
Ask private or sensitive questions that are not appropriate for a public forum
Use this platform for personal or non-relevant communication
Flood the Q&A with multiple or repetitive questions

Examples of acceptable and not acceptable questions

Acceptable Questions:
What are the key skills and competencies you're looking for in a candidate?
Can you provide more details about the day-to-day responsibilities for this role?
What is the room for professional growth and advancement within this role?
What is the company culture like and how does this role fit within that culture?
How does the company measure success for this particular role?
Not Acceptable Questions:
What is the salary range for the role?
Why did the previous person in this role leave the company?
Can you provide personal contact details of the hiring manager?
What is the status of my candidate?
What is your feedback on my candidate?

Best practices for recruiters using the Q&A

Use clear and concise language when asking questions.
Make sure your questions are relevant and specific to the role.
Read previously asked questions to avoid asking the same question twice.
Ask questions that will help you better understand the role and find the best candidate.
Don’t ask questions about specific candidates.
Respect the privacy of the employer and other recruiters.

Are Q&A questions public?

Yes, by default, questions posted by recruiters using the Q&A feature on HeadRace are public. This means other recruiters can see your questions, fostering a communal knowledge base and reducing the repetition of similar queries.
However, while questions are public, the employers have the option to answer your question privately. If they choose to do so, the answer will be visible only to the recruiter who asked the question. This ensures that specific or sensitive details can be handled in a confidential manner when needed.

Candidate submission limit

What is the candidate submission limit?

A candidate submission limit is a limit on the number of candidates a recruiter can submit per week for each role on HeadRace. Currently, the limit is set to 5 candidates per week.

Why do we have a candidate submission limit?

The candidate submission limit helps maintain the quality of submissions by encouraging thoughtful selection of candidates. It also assists employers in avoiding an overload of candidates, known as "candidate spam."

Does the candidate submission limit apply to all types of roles?

No, the candidate submission limit only applies to marketplace. Direct roles are exempt from this quota.

Can the candidate submission limit be increased?

As of now, the submission limit is fixed at 5 candidates per week per role to ensure consistency and manageability for employers.

What happens if I exceed the candidate submission limit?

If you attempt to submit more than the allotted limit, the system will not accept further submissions until the next week.

When does the limit reset?

The quota resets every week, allowing you to submit new candidates for each role.

How is the candidate submission limit counted?

The quota counts individual candidates for individual roles. This means if you're submitting candidates for multiple roles, you can submit up to 5 candidates for each role per week.

Does the limit count the same candidate for different roles?

Yes, if you submit the same candidate for different roles, each submission counts separately toward the quota for each role.

What if my candidates are not selected?

The quota system focuses on the number of submissions, not the selection results. Therefore, even if your candidates are not selected, it doesn't affect your submission quota for the week.

If I have any issues or questions about the candidate submission limit, who can I contact?

If you have questions or need support regarding the candidate submission limit, feel free to reach out to our support team at .

Headrace In-App Chat FAQ

The HeadRace team is very excited to be launching our new In-App Chat feature. This will provide seamless communication between recruiters and employers.
Here is a to show you how it works:
In this video, I am thrilled to introduce our new in-app chat feature that enables seamless communication between recruiters and employers. I will walk you through how it works, including the three ways to initiate a chat. We will also discuss the importance of collective collaboration and how all chats are at the agency and employer level. I will provide guidelines on maintaining a professional tone and highlight the topics that are appropriate for discussion. Please pay attention to the instructions and guidelines as we aim to ensure a productive and respectful environment for all users.

What is In-App Chat?

HeadRace In-app chat is integrated within the HeadRace app that allows agencies and employers to communicate in real-time. It will provide instant channel for candidate feedback, updates, status, offer negotiations and more.

How do I access the In-App Chat?

There are three different ways to initiate a chat:
From the role overview page in the role status box
2. From the role overview page on the candidate status box
3. From the the chat page

When can I initiate a chat?

You can start a chat once a candidate has been accepted by an employer.

Can I have separate chats for each role or candidate?

No, all chats are at the agency and employer level. This means you'll be having a comprehensive conversation that includes all active roles and candidates for each employer.

Can my colleagues at the agency access the same chat?

Yes, everyone at your agency can access the same chat. This feature promotes collaboration among the team and ensures everyone is on the same page.

What is considered appropriate messaging in the chat?

Professional discussions about candidate updates, status, and feedback are encouraged. Any non-work related, derogatory, or inappropriate comments are not allowed.

What happens if someone uses the chat inappropriately?

HeadRace monitors all chats and any users found violating our terms of service with inappropriate behavior will be removed. Please report any inappropriate behavior to

Can I send attachments or files through the In-App Chat?

Yes, you can send attachments and files through the In-App Chat. To do this, just start a chat with the hiring manager. There will be a paperclip in the left corner of the chat box that you can click on to add attachments.

Will my chat disappear after the role is filled/closed?

No, the chat will remain and you can continue to use it across other roles you may work on through the employer.

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
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