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Complexity of Service/Process

Service Form complexity
integration requirements
Stage Owners
Notifications Customization
integration based pre-authorization rules

Service Form Complexity:
Assess the complexity of the service form based on factors such as the number of fields, the type of data inputs required, the level of validation needed, and the complexity of conditional logic within the form.
Assign a complexity score ranging from low (1) to high (3) based on the assessment. For example:
Low Complexity (1): Simple form with basic fields and minimal validation.
Moderate Complexity (2): Form with multiple fields, conditional logic, and moderate validation requirements.
High Complexity (3): Complex form with extensive fields, intricate conditional logic, and comprehensive validation needs.
Integration Requirements:
Evaluate the integration requirements of the service or process, including the number of systems or applications that need to be integrated, the complexity of data mappings, and the level of API interactions required.
Assign a complexity score based on the integration complexity, such as:
Low Complexity (1): Limited integrations with straightforward data mappings and minimal API interactions.
Moderate Complexity (2): Multiple integrations with moderate data mappings and API interactions.
High Complexity (3): Complex integrations involving multiple systems, intricate data mappings, and extensive API interactions.
Stage Owners:
Identify the number of stage owners or stakeholders involved in the service or process, including their roles, responsibilities, and decision-making authority at each stage.
Assign a complexity score based on the number and roles of stage owners, such as:
Low Complexity (1): Few stage owners with clear roles and responsibilities.
Moderate Complexity (2): Multiple stage owners with defined roles but overlapping responsibilities.
High Complexity (3): Numerous stage owners with unclear roles, conflicting responsibilities, or decentralized decision-making.
Notifications Customization:
Evaluate the customization requirements for notifications within the service or process, including the number of notification types, the level of personalization, and the automation triggers.
Assign a complexity score based on the customization complexity, such as:
Low Complexity (1): Basic notification customization with predefined templates and limited triggers.
Moderate Complexity (2): Customizable notifications with personalized content and automated triggers.
High Complexity (3): Highly customized notifications with dynamic content, multiple triggers, and complex automation rules.
Integration-Based Pre-authorization Rules:
Assess the complexity of pre-authorization rules that are based on integration data or external system validations, including the number of rules, conditions, and data sources involved.
Assign a complexity score based on the pre-authorization rule complexity, such as:
Low Complexity (1): Simple pre-authorization rules based on internal data sources.
Moderate Complexity (2): Integration-based pre-authorization rules with multiple conditions and external system validations.
High Complexity (3): Complex pre-authorization rules integrating multiple data sources, intricate conditions, and extensive validations.

The goal is finding "touchless" process paths that require minimal human intervention

integration-centric services ,
human-centric services,
or document-centric services

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